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Watch: GMA Proves Loyalty To Dem Overlords, Outraged Over Insurrection Dems Expulsion

It’s pretty clear who the biased liberal media are rooting for, and it’s not the Republicans. ABC’s Good Morning America, which aired on Easter Sunday, was a perfect example of this, as they hyped up the “growing community outrage” over the two Democrat insurrectionists who were rightfully kicked out of the Tennessee House of Representatives.

These two Democrats, Justin Pearson and Justin Jones, had whipped up a mob on the House floor and caused a ruckus. But rather than focus on the fact that these two Democrats broke the rules, Good Morning America chose to focus on the supposed “outrage” from the community over their expulsion.

Janai Norman opened the segment by stating that “some voters in Tennessee react with outrage to the Republican-led expulsion of two black lawmakers from the state House of Representatives.” Correspondent Faith Abubey then went on to repeat the Democrat Party line, claiming that Jones and Pearson were “still representing their constituents in exile.”

What’s worse is that the only soundbite from the Republican side was from House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and it was barely two sentences long. This is in stark contrast to the seven soundbites from various leftists who were angry at the GOP for expelling Jones & Pearson, as well as a soundbite from Jones himself and the Democrat Vice Mayor of Nashville Jim Shulman who said he had received a lot of calls and emails in support of Jones & Pearson.


It’s disgusting that the liberal media is trying to paint this as some kind of injustice, when in reality these two Democrats broke the rules and should have been kicked out. But of course, the biased liberal media can’t be bothered to talk about that.

Instead, they just parrot the Democrat Party line and push their own agenda while ignoring the facts. It’s shameful and it needs to stop.

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