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Watch: McCarthy Grows A Backbone And Finally Threatens Impeachment Over Biden Corruption

A dark cloud of corruption has been cast over the Biden family. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has expressed his appalled disbelief and threatened an impeachment inquiry if the Department of Justice uses David Weiss’s status as special counsel to shield the Bidens from the House Oversight Committee’s investigation.

It was a little refreshing seeing McCarthy act like he still has a backbone.

“It is different than what President Biden had told us,” McCarthy said. “He told us he had never talked to his son about any business dealings, that he has never been involved in his family’s business, that they never received any money from China. We now learn while he was vice president the family created 20 shell companies, they did receive more than a million dollars from China and he did call in to the business meetings and he did go to dinners. These dinners were very profitable.”

The House Oversight Committee released bank records Aug. 9 showing that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, who was married to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov until his death in 2019. The Committee identified roughly $20 million in payments to the Biden family. “It is appalling of what we have learned,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy has also said he wanted a special prosecutor back in February, but the Biden Administration fought to withhold the information. “We would have to move into the impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy said.

It is clear that the Biden crime family is attempting to evade justice. The only way to uncover this truth is for the Department of Justice to investigate without holding back any information.

Otherwise, the Biden family could use Weiss’s status as special counsel to escape prosecution. The American people have a right to know the truth, and it’s time for the Biden family’s wrongdoing to be exposed.

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  • McCarty only sometimes sounds like he has a back bone and it must be because his wife starches his skivvies

  • Impeachment accomplishes nothing. The house votes for impeachment, the senate acquits, the media spins; “how dare the republican’ts impeach the most popular president in history” and the information McCarthy hopes to get continues to be withheld.
    Bring criminal charges, charge the whole crime family, including the big guy. McCarthy is looking for records, the bidens are all lowlifes, faced with criminal prosecution, they will be tripping over each other, throwing their leader under the buss. And yes slo joe can be criminally charged. The treasonous acts we are focused on occurred when biden was VP, and the only obstacle standing in the way of CRIMINALLY charging a sitting president is long standing DOJ policy.
    Find a way to get it done McCarthy; do your job.

    • Even if the Senate rejects the impeachment, the House should still go for it. Hold the hearings and just release one barrage of facts after another for as long as it takes. The longer the better. This way, biden’s flunkies will be busy trying to put out fires and contain the damaging optics.

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