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Kamala: Another Flip-Flop on Plastic Straws

Kamala Harris is at it again. This time, it’s her position on banning plastic straws that has suddenly changed, conveniently just in time for her presidential campaign. Back in 2019, during the Democratic primary, Harris was clear and unwavering—she said, “I think we should, yes,” when asked whether she’d support banning plastic straws. She even joked about the struggles of drinking from paper straws but insisted it was necessary for environmental reasons. Fast forward to 2024, and now, all of a sudden, Harris’s campaign claims she doesn’t support the ban anymore. Just like that, another policy reversal. This isn’t just a one-off—it’s part of a long series of flip-flops. What does this tell us? Kamala Harris will say anything to get elected, even if it means tossing out her own principles.

A Hollow Candidate With No Conviction

Let’s be honest—Kamala Harris has no conviction. She is, at best, a hollow shell of a candidate, and at worst, a puppet controlled by the party elites. Remember, Harris didn’t win a single vote in the Democratic primaries. She was coronated by the Democratic Party without earning the support of the people. Now, she’s doing whatever she can to appeal to the broadest audience, even if it means flip-flopping on the issues she’s supposedly fought for her entire career. There’s no authenticity here, just political pandering.

This latest reversal on plastic straws is just one example in a long list. The same thing happened with her stance on fracking. In 2019, she was all in favor of banning fracking, telling a CNN town hall, “No question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Fast forward to her 2024 campaign, and suddenly she’s against a fracking ban, saying she supports the industry. How convenient—especially since she’s now vying for votes in battleground states like Pennsylvania, where fracking is a huge issue.

The Plastic Straw Ban Flip-Flop

Let’s dive deeper into the plastic straw flip-flop. Back in 2019, Harris was on record supporting a government ban on plastic straws. She even joked during a CNN Climate Change Town Hall that paper straws weren’t quite up to snuff, but the environment mattered more, so plastic straws had to go. Fast forward to today, her campaign says she no longer supports the ban. Is this a coincidence? Or is it just another calculated move to align with the interests of voters who might find such bans intrusive? You don’t have to be a political expert to see what’s going on here. This is pure pandering.

But why does it matter? Because it shows she’ll bend to whichever way the political winds are blowing. We need leaders who stand by their principles, not ones who change their views at the drop of a hat to score political points. This flip-flopping shows a candidate who lacks a moral compass, someone who doesn’t actually believe in anything except gaining power.

A Record of Flip-Flopping

The plastic straw debacle is just the latest example of Kamala Harris’s inconsistency. Over the years, she has reversed her positions on multiple key issues, betraying the progressive values she supposedly champions. Here are a few of the most glaring examples:

  • Fracking: In 2019, she supported a ban on fracking, only to flip her position in 2024 to win over voters in energy-producing states.
  • Medicare for All: Harris backed this during her 2020 primary campaign, but now she’s distancing herself from it.
  • Gun Control: She once advocated for buyback programs of semiautomatic rifles, but now she’s silent on the issue. Convenient.

Kamala Harris isn’t just flip-flopping—she’s abandoning core beliefs that she once claimed to hold dear. The truth is, Harris will say whatever she needs to say to get elected. She is nothing more than a political opportunist.

Controlled by the Party Elites

The bigger question is: Who’s pulling the strings behind Kamala Harris? It’s obvious that she’s not running her own campaign—she’s being controlled by the party elites. The Democratic establishment is propping her up as their puppet, and she’ll say or do anything they tell her to in order to stay in their good graces.

Just think about it—Harris was handpicked by the Democratic Party. She didn’t win a single vote in the primary, and yet here she is, their nominee for president. This is a candidate who is being used by the party elites to push their radical agenda. And what’s worse? Harris is perfectly okay with being a puppet, as long as she gets the title of president.

No Real Leadership

This is not leadership—it’s manipulation. Harris’s flip-flopping, her lack of conviction, and her willingness to be controlled by the party elites prove she’s not fit to be president. We need someone who can stand on their own two feet, not someone who will be used as a pawn by the powers that be.

The American people deserve a leader who stands for something, not someone who bends to whatever is politically convenient at the moment. Kamala Harris’s record shows she is not that leader.

What Does This Mean for America?

If Kamala Harris is willing to change her position on something as trivial as plastic straws, what else will she compromise on? Climate change? The economy? Foreign policy? We can’t afford to have a president who flip-flops on critical issues depending on what the polling data says.

Her hollow stances on plastic straws, fracking, Medicare for All, and gun control are just the beginning. If elected, Harris will continue to pander to whichever group is loudest at the time, with no regard for the future of this country.

What’s next? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain—Kamala Harris is not someone we can trust to lead America.

Final Thoughts

Kamala Harris has made it clear: She has no core beliefs. Her flip-flopping is not just a political strategy—it’s who she is. She’s willing to say or do whatever it takes to rise to power, even if that means turning her back on policies she’s championed for years. This is not leadership—it’s weakness. America needs a president who will stand firm, not one who changes direction at the first sign of political pressure.

What do you think? Is Kamala Harris the type of leader America needs, or is she just another puppet of the Democratic establishment?

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below.


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  • Anybody who believes a word Kamala says is a FOOL! She says anything to help her win the election but, afterward, look out because this chameleon will change back to its true colors and our country will be run by socialist Marxists.

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