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Watchdog Exposes HUGE Biden-Harris Scam

The Biden-Harris administration’s green tax credit, intended to encourage the purchase of electric appliances, has been found to be prone to fraud and abuse due to lax information requirements by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This was revealed in a report released by the DOE’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) on Monday.

Under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, President Joe Biden allocated $4.3 billion in grants to states for the implementation of tax rebate programs. However, the OIG found that the DOE’s State and Community Energy Program (SCEP) did not require states to conduct independent verification of applicant income levels or basic information such as social security numbers, leaving the program vulnerable to exploitation by criminals.

According to the report, the lack of validation for social security information could lead to “double dipping,” where individuals apply for rebates multiple times. Additionally, the self-certification of income levels left room for abuse, as rebate amounts are tied to household income. The OIG had previously flagged these concerns to the DOE, and the agency updated its guidance in March 2024 to address them. [You can read the report HERE]

In response, a DOE spokesperson claimed that requiring social security numbers was not appropriate for the program, as other data collection requirements could provide sufficient fraud prevention. However, the DOE remains committed to preventing fraud and properly managing taxpayer dollars.

However, previous analyses by the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) have shown that these tax credits are in elite and wealthy areas, contradicting the Biden administration’s claims of promoting environmental justice. A separate analysis also found that those earning six figures were more likely to claim the residential energy tax credits.

This revelation is just another example of the corrupt actions of the Biden-Harris administration. The Green Tax Credit, touted as a means to benefit the environment and promote fairness, has instead been shown to primarily benefit the wealthy. This exposes the hypocritical and dishonest nature of the Democrats’ environmental policies, as they continue to prioritize the interests of the elite while misleading the public with rhetoric about justice and equality. Clearly, the Biden-Harris Green Tax Credit is just another scheme to line the pockets of the wealthy, all under the guise of promoting a greener future.

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  • All this green energy scam is about is another money grab..they want you driving souped up golf carts that drive your light bill sky they can sell oil cheaply to China..proof.. Biden sold our oil reserves dirt cheap to China already and didn’t give a dam what Americans thought about it..when they drained fema’s money and handed it over to illegal aliens makes you wonder how much more they have stolen from social security..their favorite go to fund ..then have the nerve to say how it is going broke..with dictators like this running government no wonder we are going broke..busy protecting other countries borders and not ours..insurrection time..not a fake one like Americans have been accused of..what democrats are really worried about is the pure fact they are guilty of treason and a real AJ would have this so called administration up on treason charges in a heart beat

  • And these are the people we allow to lead our country the stupidest people are playing with taxpayers money. How come nobody ever gets fired or indicted for corrupt criminal crimes that just get swept to the White House basement. No one ever gets held accountable for their failures the dumber you are the safer you are if you’re a democrat. No wonder why America’s deficit is in the Trillions of dollars. Democrats keep screwing the pooch and keep getting away with it. Vote Trump and Republicans 2024

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