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Biden Get’s Lost At The Podium During Visit with King of Jordan, Dead Stares [Video]

In a controversy that had been simmering below the surface, President Joe Biden’s competence was elevated to the forefront. Monday saw Biden lose himself in the background behind the king of Jordan, Abdullah II, during a visit to the White House. As the king addressed the crowd, Biden was seen wandering aimlessly, as if he were searching for something on the floor. Some saw this as the perfect metaphor for the state of the Biden presidency.

Biden’s befuddlement was on full display as he meandered behind the king, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. The incident began as Biden said, “Your majesty, over to you,” before shuffling away from the podium where the king was speaking. Oblivious to everything except the ground, Biden searched for the tape that marked his designated spot. He crossed behind the king, scanning the floor for any clues, before returning to his original position on the king’s left. “I switched sides on you,” Biden said, providing a glimpse into his thought process.

Come one… We all know that the incident is not an isolated case.

Last week, Biden blundered when he misidentified French President Emmanuel Macron as the late François Mitterrand. He then proceeded to reference former German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the late Helmut Kohl, causing further concern over his cognitive abilities. These incidents have only fueled the fire ignited by the report of Special Counsel Robert Hur, which detailed Biden’s apparent lack of memory. The report noted that during the interview with Hur’s office, Biden came across as a sympathetic and well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.

More troubling, however, was Biden’s inability to remember even basic details about his time as Vice President. He couldn’t recall when his term ended, asking “if it was 2013 – when did I stop being Vice President?” He also had trouble remembering when his term began, saying in 2009, “am I still Vice President?” Most shockingly, Biden couldn’t remember when his son Beau died, despite it being only a few years ago. This revelation, coupled with his other memory lapses, has raised concerns about his ability to hold the highest office in the nation.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis summed it up best, saying that Biden was “too senile to actually stand trial.” In his opinion, Biden’s cognitive decline is such that he would not even be able to participate in a court case. Yet, somehow, he is still entrusted with the nuclear codes and making decisions that affect the entire country. With these recent incidents, it seems that DeSantis’ assessment was not too far off the mark.

The White House incident with the king of Jordan is just the latest in a series of blunders that have raised questions about President Biden’s competence. The Hur report’s findings only add more fuel to the fire, highlighting Biden’s memory issues and lack of recall about important details. As the leader of the free world, one would expect the highest level of mental acuity from the president.

However, Biden’s lapses in memory and cognition have only served to undermine his ability to fulfill his duties effectively. It remains to be seen how this ongoing debate will affect the remainder of his term in office.

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