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Daniel Penny’s Trial: A Far-Left Travesty of Justice

The trial of Daniel Penny, a Marine veteran who stepped in to protect New York subway passengers from a clear and present danger, exposes the outrageous depths of politicized justice in America. That this man—whose actions were nothing short of heroic—finds himself facing criminal charges is a travesty orchestrated by a far-left Manhattan District Attorney more interested in scoring political points than upholding fairness and public safety.

Penny’s Actions: Heroic, Not Criminal

Daniel Penny didn’t wake up that morning planning to restrain a dangerous man. But when Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old with a history of violent attacks, started threatening passengers, Penny acted decisively. Neely shouted that someone would “die today” and made it clear he had no regard for the consequences. Subway passengers were understandably terrified. Penny intervened, applying a restraint to protect innocent lives.

This wasn’t an act of recklessness or malice. It was an act of courage. Yet, Penny now faces charges of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide—charges that could land him in prison for up to 15 years. For what? For defending his fellow citizens? For preventing what could have been yet another senseless tragedy on New York City’s broken subway system?

The DA’s Radical Agenda

The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, has made his priorities clear: he’s more interested in prosecuting those who defend themselves than those who terrorize the public. Under his leadership, violent criminals walk free under the guise of “restorative justice,” while law-abiding citizens like Daniel Penny are dragged through politically motivated show trials.

Assistant DA Dafna Yoran, prosecuting Penny, is no stranger to controversial decisions. A recently unearthed video revealed her celebrating the reduced sentence of Matthew Lee, a man who killed an elderly professor during a robbery. Instead of felony murder, Lee was convicted of manslaughter, thanks to a lenient policy embraced by Yoran. Yet, Penny—who restrained a known threat to public safety—is treated as a criminal. How does this make sense?

The Question of Cause of Death

The case against Penny hinges on whether his restraint caused Neely’s death. The medical examiner ruled it a homicide due to neck compression, but defense experts have pointed out that Neely’s drug use and pre-existing health conditions likely played a significant role. Neely was high on synthetic marijuana, known as K2, at the time of the incident. Let’s not forget his violent history, including a warrant for an assault on a 67-year-old woman.

The defense has argued that Penny’s actions were not reckless but necessary given the immediate threat. Witnesses testified that Neely’s behavior left passengers fearing for their lives. Penny, they said, held Neely to protect others until authorities arrived. If this is now considered a crime, what message are we sending to everyday citizens? Stay silent, do nothing, and hope you survive?

A Politically Charged Prosecution

This trial isn’t about justice; it’s about politics. The left has turned Daniel Penny into a scapegoat for their twisted narrative. They can’t stand the idea of someone standing up against chaos, especially when that someone is a Marine who embodies courage and responsibility.

Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, even acknowledged Penny’s actions as a reasonable response to a life-threatening situation. If the mayor can see the truth, why can’t the DA’s office? The answer is simple: they don’t want to. This trial is a far-left agenda in action, designed to demonize those who take personal responsibility and reward those who perpetuate violence and instability.

The Stakes Are High

If Daniel Penny is convicted, the implications are terrifying. It will set a dangerous precedent that defending yourself and others in public spaces is a crime. It will embolden criminals while leaving law-abiding citizens to fend for themselves. Who will stand up next time if they know they’ll be vilified and prosecuted?

Penny’s trial is a test of our justice system, and so far, it’s failing miserably. A Marine who acted selflessly is being punished for doing what the city should have done in the first place: protecting its citizens.

Final Thoughts

This case is a clear example of a justice system hijacked by political radicals. Daniel Penny deserves our support, not prosecution. His actions were not only justified but necessary in the face of a clear threat. If the DA’s office succeeds in their agenda, the message to every New Yorker will be chilling: your safety is secondary to the left’s political games.


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  • They did the same thing to Rittenhouse! It’s it time that these leftist prosecutors and judges who allow these travesties of justice to occur, to be put in prison permanently for using their positions to harm innocent citizens. Law enforcement and military are taught to neutralize the threat, that means excessive force if necessary. The criminal chose to break the law and to try to harm or kill innocent people, at that point his life is WORTHLESS! Crime could have been eradicated from most societies by now if the court systems were legitimate rather than manipulated by people with leftist ideologies, power, and greed. It is time for society to establish vigilante justice against these tyrannical leftist PsOS!

    The biggest waste of time is criminals who are CAUGHT IN THE ACT being given a full-blown trial, when they should simply be taken in front of a magistrate along with witnesses and convicted of their crime and then sentenced. Instead, months and years are wasted, along with huge amounts of money to lawyers. Time to stop this ridiculous circus!

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