Once again, the left proves that freedom of speech only applies when it aligns with their twisted ideology. In the small city of Amsterdam, New York, Anthony Constantino, a proud business owner and Trump supporter, decided to put up a 100-foot-wide “Vote for Trump” sign atop his building. It’s a beacon of patriotism and a symbol of the hardworking American spirit. But lo and behold, this display of political support didn’t sit well with the city’s Democratic-endorsed independent mayor, Michael Cinquanti. Surprise, surprise.
Let’s face it—if this were a “Vote for Kamala” sign, you wouldn’t hear a peep from Mayor Cinquanti or his leftist cronies. In fact, they’d probably be out there lighting the thing themselves, celebrating their hypocrisy under the guise of “progress.” But since it’s for Trump, suddenly this sign is deemed a “dangerous distraction” and a violation of city code. Give me a break.
A Manufactured “Safety Concern”
According to the city, the sign is a “dangerous distraction” for drivers on the nearby New York State Thruway. Really? Have these people never driven down a highway lined with glowing billboards advertising fast food, cheap motels, and car dealerships? But, of course, when a sign reflects support for Trump, the rules magically change. Suddenly, it’s not about safety—it’s about silencing conservative voices. They’ll use any excuse to tear down a sign that represents a threat to their crumbling narrative.
Trump Derangement Syndrome: The Real Pandemic
Let’s call this what it is—Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). This irrational, frothing-at-the-mouth hatred for one man has infected the left for years, and we’re seeing it rear its ugly head again in this situation. The mayor isn’t worried about safety or traffic; he’s obsessed with stamping out anything that remotely supports Trump. It’s the same reason why leftists lose their minds over a red MAGA hat—it’s not just about disagreement; it’s pure, unfiltered hatred.
TDS is real, folks, and it’s on full display right here in upstate New York. The left has become so blinded by their irrational hatred of Donald Trump that even a sign—A SIGN!—is too much for them to handle. You can’t make this stuff up. We’re dealing with a group of people who would rather tear down a successful business owner’s free speech than tolerate something they don’t agree with. If it were a sign supporting Kamala Harris, they’d be talking about how it’s “breaking barriers” and “uplifting marginalized voices.” But for Trump? Nope, can’t have that.
The Left’s Intolerance on Full Display
This isn’t just a fight over a sign—this is a fight over free speech. The left loves to claim they’re all about “tolerance” and “open dialogue,” but they’re the first to shut down anyone who dares to challenge their fragile worldview. Mayor Cinquanti can dress this up as a safety concern all he wants, but we see it for what it is—an attack on conservative values and a blatant example of the left’s intolerance.
If this were any other sign, it would be celebrated. If it were for Biden or Kamala, the media would be hailing Constantino as a hero for revitalizing his hometown and bringing jobs back to America. But since it’s for Trump, he’s public enemy number one. It’s the same old double standard we’ve been seeing for years—one set of rules for the left, another for everyone else.
Trump: The Ultimate Underdog
And let’s not forget what this sign actually represents. Anthony Constantino put up the “Vote for Trump” sign to symbolize the return of American manufacturing—something Trump fought for tirelessly during his presidency. The sign is more than just an endorsement; it’s a reminder of Trump’s fight against the global elites who wanted to see American industry crushed. And like Trump, Constantino is battling against insurmountable odds—this time, in the form of a Democratic mayor who just can’t stand the thought of Trump being supported in his city.
The left can’t stand that Trump continues to be the ultimate underdog, someone who triumphed in the face of adversity. Just like Trump has been unfairly targeted by baseless investigations and witch hunts, Constantino is now facing legal action simply for expressing his support for the man. It’s the same playbook, different day.
Final Thoughts
So here we are, once again watching the left’s intolerance on full display. This is more than just a sign—it’s a fight for free speech, for the right to support the person you believe in without the government breathing down your neck. Mayor Cinquanti’s actions aren’t about protecting public safety; they’re about squashing political dissent and silencing Trump supporters.
While Anthony Constantino was forced to temporarily cover the sign after the city obtained a court order, this legal battle is far from over. The courts will decide the fate of the sign, but the message is clear: This isn’t just about a sign—it’s about standing up for what’s right.
Find more articles like this at steadfastandloyal.com.
h/t: Steadfast and Loyal
The people need to go into his office and drag him out by his hair and run him out of town.
Don’t take the sign down fight for it have people guard the sign show where it says it’s a danger these communist democrats are the cancer eating at America and must be stopped with votes for president Trump we need this sign for president Trump take photos of it and plaster them all over the city so if the scumbags do get it down at least there will be many more all around the city VOTE TRUMP VANCE IN NOVEMBER MAGA.