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DeSantis Struck A Nerve, MSNBC Makes All New Claims That Will Make You Laugh!

It seems that MSNBC likes to think of itself as qualified to make judgments on what is and is not conservative. On Tuesday’s Chris Jansing Reports, nominal Republican Tara Setmayer declared Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s fight with Disney to be “petulant” and “not conservative.” To top it all off, she even went so far as to call it “un-American.”

Jansing’s original question to Setmayer had nothing to do with Disney, but was more about 2024 horse race analysis and how it relates to the GOP’s relationship with Donald Trump. After a long-winded answer about Republicans being scared of Trump, DeSantis being a former “C-lister” and a “wimp,” Setmayer made her outrageous claims.

Apparently, breaking cronyism is simultaneously anti-free market, un-conservative, and un-American. This is the kind of biased liberal media that we’ve become used to. Jansing took Setmayer’s nonsensical answer and expanded on it, even going so far as to ask Way Too Early host Jonathan Lemire about the issue.

Lemire then went on to make his own claims against DeSantis, which included calling him “petulant” and claiming that Disney’s expansion plans were a rebuke to the governor. He even condemned DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban “in the middle of the night,” which he labeled as “more extreme than most states in the nation.”

At the end of the day, it seems that MSNBC is just upset that DeSantis’s renewed fight with Disney means they’re touchdown dance on the issue was premature. The woke movement has been trying to push its agenda on the rest of the country and it seems that they’re not willing to accept the fact that people don’t always agree with them.


It’s plain and simple that this is an example of the biased liberal media trying to push its agenda on the rest of the country. It’s a shame that MSNBC thinks that they can just make up whatever they want and pass it off as the truth. DeSantis’s fight with Disney is not un-American, it’s actually quite American to stand up for what’s right and to not back down from the woke mob.

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