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Facebook FIles: Biden Pressured Zuckerberg Thugs to Promote MSM Over Conservative Media

President Joe Biden’s administration has gone to extraordinary lengths to manipulate and censor the public’s online access to information, as newly released memos and the “Facebook Files” have made clear.

The House Judiciary Committee obtained internal meeting notes from Facebook that revealed White House director of digital strategy, Rob Flaherty, actively pressured the platform to promote legacy media outlets over conservative ones like Fox News and the Daily Wire. Flaherty even denounced popular commentator Tomi Lahren for questioning the efficacy of the vaccine.

“According to the ‘Facebook Files,’ on April 14, 2021, Flaherty asked Facebook to elevate stories from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal over The Daily Wire and Fox News,” noted Dan Schneider, Vice President of MRC Free Speech America. “He even asked Facebook what it was doing to combat so-called vaccine ‘misinformation’ online.”

This is yet another concerning attempt to silence Americans online. The House Judiciary Committee is set to interrogate FBI Director Christopher Wray regarding the Biden administration’s targeted censorship effort.

Florida noted that President Biden wanted Facebook to “play ball” and succumb to their demands, even asking what the company was doing to reduce visibility of the New York Post, an outlet that made headlines with their reporting on the Hunter Biden “laptop scandal.”

“This serves as a resource and road map for everyone trying to understand particular violations or the larger context of the Twitter Files,” Schneider concluded.

The Biden administration’s willingness to manipulate online outlets, disregard crucial news stories, and silence dissenting views, is yet another cause for alarm about our freedom of speech. It is time for Americans to demand answers and to closely monitor the actions and measures taken by the Biden administration. Now is the time for citizens to make their voices heard to enshrine the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression that we hold so dear.

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  • Why are people, the NEWS MEDIA trying to give Zuckeruker a free pass? Sure he may have been “Pressured” but really? Ah No. This is just a CYA because it’s trying to point the finger ONLY at the Guvmunt and we all know Zuckercluckers MO and who he supported and why.
    I am sick of the inference, but glad the CLABERATION of the two organizations is coming to light

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