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Guy Shot In The Jewels By His Girlfriend, His Response Will SHOCK You

Charlie Glenn, a resident of Ohio, expressed his love for his ex-girlfriend even after she shot him “in the privates”, according to WXIX.

Tonya Nester, aged 36, shot her boyfriend Thursday morning in a heated argument. As Glenn told police, “One shot, but I think it went through my testicle into my butt cheek and out.” Glenn was able to disarm her and his family called 911.

As Paul Carpenter, a close friend of Glenn’s, stated, “I don’t know if they had relationship problems or what, but to do something like that is horrible.” Nester was apprehended and has been charged with felonious assault and possession of weapons while under disability. Her bond was set at $100,000.

Glenn mentioned that she was taking medication for a mental disability and he was not looking for an apology from her, he just wants her to get better. “I still to this day love her,” Glenn shared. Nester is due back in court on Tuesday.

The incident was the culmination of weeks of tension between the two. They had not been on the best of terms and with Nester’s mental health struggles combined with an alleged issue with the possession of a firearm, the incident was sadly inevitable.

Glenn told media outlets that he has faith in the criminal justice system. “She just needs help, I feel like the court system needs to help her,” Glenn said. He expressed his hope that she is given the resources she needs for her mental health struggles and the court system gives her a fair chance.

It’s shocking that despite being the victim of a crime, Glenn was still able to express so much compassion and understanding for his ex-girlfriend. His last statement on the matter reflects his much-needed and selfless outlook on the situation, “I love her and I want her to get help.” Patrick House, a family friend of Glenn shared, “It speaks a lot about the love that Charlie has. He loved her enough not to press charges.”

I cannot say I would react the same way…

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