In the wake of the unspeakable atrocities committed by Hamas during the October 7th massacre, one would expect feminists to be outraged and speaking out against these brutal crimes against humanity. After all, these same advocates spent four-plus years protesting the Trump administration, loudly decrying sexual abusers like Harvey Weinstein during the MeToo movement, and recently rallying to defend abortion rights.
Yet, when it came to standing in solidarity with the victims of Hamas’ horrific acts, many prominent feminists were noticeably silent.
While there were a few exceptions such as actresses Debra Messing and Amy Schumer, and journalist Bari Weiss, the majority of major women’s rights groups remained eerily quiet in the face of Hamas’ blatant disregard for the rights and lives of innocent women. Even when some did attempt to address the issue, their efforts fell flat and lacked any real impact.
One prominent voice that did speak out, however, was veteran actress and activist Gwyneth Paltrow. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Paltrow expressed her grief for the families of the six executed hostages, whom she had been tirelessly advocating for over the past year. She also posed a thought-provoking question, “Where are the feminists?” and added the hashtag “#rapeisnotresistance,” calling for action to be taken against these heinous crimes.
It’s a valid question that deserves an answer. Where are the feminist advocates who claim to fight for the rights and safety of women when it comes to the brutal attacks and sexual assaults on Israeli women by Hamas? Why are they not using their platform to condemn these acts or showing up in solidarity with the victims and their families?
Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that feminists have shown a lack of consistency in their activism. They remained silent when Tara Reade accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault and turned a blind eye to the allegations of sexual harassment made against then-Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo. It seems that their outrage and advocacy only extends to certain causes and individuals, rather than universally standing up for all women.
The truth is that the liberal left’s blind support for Hamas, a terrorist organization that has been responsible for countless atrocities and human rights violations, including the persecution and suppression of women, is a clear indication of their dangerous and misguided values. By choosing to remain silent in the face of these horrors, they effectively enable and condone Hamas’ actions.
When it comes to the fate of the many young women abducted by Hamas, the silence from some corners has been deafening.
What explains their silence, downplaying, and denial? WATCH: @bariweiss “Why Are Feminists Silent on Rape and Murder?”
— The Free Press (@TheFP) January 15, 2024
Paltrow’s question, “where are the feminists?” is a powerful reminder of the hypocrisy and lack of integrity within the feminist movement. It’s time for feminists to speak up and take action against all forms of violence and oppression towards women, regardless of which side of the political spectrum it comes from.
Bill Cosby Joins Hamas So Feminists Will Stop Condemning Him For Rape
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) December 4, 2023
As Paltrow rightfully stated, “Rape is not resistance, it’s a violation of human rights.” It’s time for feminists to live up to their own values and condemn the atrocities committed by Hamas against women.