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Jocelyn Nungaray’s Mother Rips Kamala Harris: ‘She’s Heartless and Full of It’ [Video]

The nation witnessed a gut-wrenching interview as Alexis Nungaray, the mother of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, shared the tragic story of her daughter’s murder at the hands of two illegal immigrants. I was brought to tears hearing her speak about the unimaginable loss she and her family are enduring. It was raw, it was real, and it was a devastating reminder of the human cost of the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless open-border policies.

Jocelyn’s murder was not just a tragic accident—it was a direct consequence of political decisions made in Washington. Alexis’s words cut through the bureaucratic doublespeak: “I am still my daughter’s voice, and I will continue to fight for her.” Yet, what should have been a moment of genuine apology and accountability from Kamala Harris turned into a predictable blame-shifting performance, as she once again avoided taking any responsibility.

Kamala Harris: The Face of Failed Leadership

Kamala Harris’s role as Border Czar has been an utter failure. Instead of protecting American citizens, she has chosen to prioritize political agendas over human lives. The tragedy of Jocelyn’s death is not an isolated incident—it’s one of countless lives lost due to a deliberate decision to open our borders. Harris’s refusal to genuinely address the root of the problem only proves her unfitness for any office, let alone the presidency.

It’s shocking to see Harris attempt to pivot blame to anyone but herself. Her weak, insincere apology to Jocelyn’s mother was not just inadequate—it was offensive. It’s clear she has no empathy for the families who have been devastated by her policies. Her focus remains on power, not people, and her allegiance is to potential voters, not current citizens.

The Heinous Reason Behind Open Borders

Let’s not sugarcoat it: the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policy is about one thing—securing future votes. On day one, President Biden signed dozens of executive orders reversing Trump policies that protected our border, opening the floodgates for illegal immigration. It wasn’t about compassion or asylum—it was a calculated move to alter the electorate. The immediate impact is changing congressional apportionment and the Electoral College. The long-term goal? Millions of new Democratic votes, ensuring a one-party rule forever.

This strategy sacrifices American lives for votes—a heinous and ruthless quest for power. It’s not hyperbole to say this administration has willingly endangered its citizens to stay in control. When you hear people say, “I don’t understand why,” the answer is chilling: it’s all about power. It’s a grotesque betrayal, a dereliction of duty, and, in my view, nothing short of treason.

Kamala Harris: Disqualified and Unforgivable

Kamala Harris’s track record as Border Czar should disqualify her from holding any office. Her policies have caused irreparable harm to American families like Alexis’s, and her blatant disregard for human life is appalling. We cannot allow this woman to climb any higher in American politics. In fact, she should be facing consequences—not seeking promotion.

Every American who values the safety of their family should be outraged. The administration’s shameless power grab has cost innocent lives. Jocelyn’s death is a powerful reminder of the stakes, and Kamala Harris’s complete failure to act on behalf of American citizens should send a clear message: she is unfit for office and belongs in a jail cell, not the Oval Office.

Final Thoughts

The tragedy of Jocelyn Nungaray’s death is a glaring example of what’s at stake when our leaders prioritize their political ambitions over the safety of our citizens. Alexis’s story is a heartbreaking reminder that real people—mothers, fathers, and children—are paying the price for the Biden-Harris administration’s calculated quest for power. As conservatives, we must stand up, speak out, and demand accountability.


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