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Looks Like Newsom Isn’t A Complete Idiot, Turned On Reparations Dems

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, recently took a stand against a reparations panel task force that proposed billions of dollars in wealth redistribution to descendants of slaves in the state. The task force proposed a maximum payment of $1.2 million per person.

Newsom, a Democrat, acknowledged that the task force’s independent findings and recommendations are a “milestone” in the effort to advance justice and promote healing. He also noted that many of the recommendations are already being addressed.

While Newsom’s position is understandable, it is still disheartening that he is not supporting a more comprehensive approach to the issue. It is clear that the legacy of slavery is much more than simply providing cash payments to the descendants of slaves.

It is also important to note that this proposal is not a “quick fix” for the sins of slavery. It does not address the systemic racism and other forms of discrimination that still exist in our society today. It is true that financial reparations could be a part of the solution, but it should not be the only solution.

It is also worth noting that Newsom’s decision to reject the task force’s proposal means that he is not a complete idiot. While some on the left may disagree with him, it is important to remember that he is still trying to make the best decision for the people of California.

At the end of the day, it is up to the California Legislature to decide if they will implement the task force’s recommendations and send them to Newsom’s desk to be signed into law.


Until then, it is important to remember that while financial reparations may be a part of the solution, it is not the only solution. We must also work towards more systemic changes that promote real and lasting justice, healing, and inclusion.

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  • Not all African Blacks are “descendants of slaves”
    1.There are many millions of African Blacks who got off the boat, AFTER the Civil War until today, and they produced many millions of children!
    2.“By the 1980s more Black Africans had come to America voluntarily as immigrants seeking Freedom and Opportunity than ever came as slaves.” —Dennis Prager
    3.“Four million black people have emigrated to the United States since the 1960s — and tens of millions more would if they could. Are they all fools? Why would anyone move to a country that is systemically bigoted against them? Did any Jews emigrate to Germany in the 1930s?” —Dennis Prager

    Many Blacks fought and died to bring about their well-deserved Civil Rights and the ability to have lawful access to non-segregated Public Schools.
    …then over 50 years later their progeny has thrown it all away, many still can’t read or write, or ever speak standard English or pronounce most English words with even a modicum of common usage.

    Now they want Segregation again!

  • Why in Gods name should Black People be paid money for what happened long before some of them were even borned?

  • There is no “systemic racism” nor institutionalized discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin among other things. It is only efforts by the radical, leftist fringes that’ve taken control of the demcrapola party that continue that lie in order to garner more power and control for themselves.

  • Apparently he did the basic math that any 9 year old could have figured out months ago. If the money was there he would do it. I’m part Irish and the Irish were also slaves at one time in this country. I want my fare share also. People of color. I’m pretty sure that as a kid my crayon box included the color white. Yes I know some genius is going to say that white isn’t technically a color so save your ink.

  • whoever wrote this can F O, newscum for all for it in the beginning, he is the one that put this stupid panel together….how DARE you defend him? he doesn’t care about the people, just like all demon dems…THEY.DO.NOT.CARE

  • I think the black descendants of those that sold their brethern into slavery should be the ones held accountable for all reparations

  • WRONG !!! It was none other than “shiny” Newsome that promoted reparations in the FIRST PLACE, but chickened out when push came to shove and he realized that the public wasn’t having it. Then he came up with a “revised” debt to make it palatable. What a hypocrite !

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