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Massive Ship Loses Control Near Iconic Bridge – Riveting Footage Goes Viral!

A large sea vessel recently lost power while navigating through the shipping lane between Staten Island and Bayonne, New Jersey. This incident occurred on Friday evening as the ship was headed out to sea and approaching the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, sparking concerns of a potential disaster similar to the recent bridge collapse in Baltimore. The ship involved in the incident was the M/V Qingdao, weighing 89,000 tons.

The news of the ship losing power was reported by the CEO of a maritime news outlet, John Konrad, who also shared an image of the vessel near the bridge. According to Konrad, a tugboat captain reported that the ship was under the escort of three tugboats, but an additional three were needed to bring it under control. Fortunately, the ship was able to regain power and was brought to anchor near the Verrazzano Bridge.

The Coast Guard also confirmed the incident and stated that they received a report from the M/V Qingdao at around 8:30 pm. The ship had experienced a loss of propulsion while traveling through the Kill Van Kull waterway, which connects Newark Bay and the Port Newark Container Terminal with Upper New York Bay. After regaining propulsion, the ship was assisted to Stapleton Anchorage by tugboats. Before allowing the ship to continue on its journey, the Coast Guard ensured that its propulsion system was in working order and also required a report on why the power loss occurred.

This incident has raised discussions about the vulnerability of America’s infrastructure in the media and within government agencies. With the recent collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore, there are concerns about potential acts of terrorism targeting critical infrastructure. Some are suggesting that the US government should implement stricter measures, such as vetting all foreign crews of commercial vessels entering American waters, to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

A shipping container lost power near the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge while heading out to sea, but fortunately, a disaster was avoided. The ship, M/V Qingdao, was assisted to anchor by tugboats and required to provide a report on the cause of the power loss before being allowed to continue its journey. However, this incident has brought attention to the vulnerability of America’s infrastructure and sparked discussions about potential security measures that could be implemented to prevent future disasters.

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  • I hope someone is connecting the dots and researching the number of big ship propulsion failures in American ports thatrisk colliding with bridge supports which can cripple our economic and military power.

  • Something other than NYC stinks here.

    The second tanker within a two week period?!

    Don’t ships have a backup system for rudder control if there is a complete power failure to the main systems?

  • The reason the bridge Francis Scott Key was sabotaged was because of the and you will see the name changed to some unimportant black person …the only real terrorist in our country is that low IQ what is next the Statue of Liberty..?

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