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Mayorkas Begs Americans For ‘More Time’, Biden’s ‘Honor System’ Failing

Recently, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the Biden administration’s handling of the worsening crisis on the U.S. southern border at a press conference. Mayorkas claimed that it would take more time for the American public to see tangible results from the administration’s attempts to fix the crisis.

When asked why all measures to address the surge at the border weren’t in place, Mayorkas said that they had “surged resources of all types over months and months.” He then sidestepped a question about a memo obtained by the U.S. Border Patrol chief sent to sector chiefs that said that illegal aliens would be released into the interior if overcrowding became an issue. Mayorkas claimed that it was “not an honor system.”

It is clear that the Democrats and the Biden administration are failing to address the border crisis, and the ending of title 42 is only making matters worse. The Democrats have had two years to prepare for this moment, but instead of getting the situation under control, they are allowing illegal aliens to be released into the interior with an honor system. This is unacceptable and shows a complete disregard for the safety of the American people.

It is also worth noting that there is a humanitarian crisis at the border, and the Biden administration has done nothing to properly address it. They have failed to provide adequate shelter and resources for the thousands of migrants and asylum seekers. This is a direct violation of their human rights and the Biden administration must be held accountable.


It is time for the Biden administration and the Democrats to take responsibility for the chaos they have created and start taking action to fix the crisis on the southern border. The American people deserve better than this and it is time for the Biden administration to step up and make the necessary changes to secure our border and protect our citizens.

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  • This group of misfits have done nothing to merit any honor. This kind of inaction is exactly what the American people expected after a hijacked election. Little late for whipping up a “Department of Honor” badge for participation.

  • we really get tired of everyone complaining that they do not have the resources to feed and shelter these ILLEGAL trespassers. The primary reason these people are surging the border is that WE are GIVING them everything they want or ask for. Why are we feeding them? Giving them free clothing, CELL PHONES, shelter and medical? Stop the handouts and they’ll stop coming. This can be accomplished at the State level and screw Biden.

  • So needs to grab mayoress by the neck and shove his bald head up the nearest illegals butt and ask him what does that look like…if the border is closed

  • When Biden signed the order to stop building the wall, why didn’t this pineapple start working on a plan to stop the influx of illegal aliens? It’s now over three years and he’s begging for more time? He should be fired.

  • Too little too late. The destruction Biden and his administration have placed on American citizens is criminal. Illegals obtain everything free, room, board, medical needs, phones, etc. while Americans are struggling to survive.

  • Why should America give Joe Biden more time to make the situation worse? He has already done enough to this country, him and his corrupt cabinet. None of which are legal. NO oath means illegal.

  • How much more time should DHS Secretary Mayorkas be given? He’s been lying to the Congress, and everyone else every since he took office. I am so sick and tired hearing what the Secretary is or Did when he doesn’t want or can’t answer a question. I know that the President had to get someone, but why go to the very bottom of the bucket? As an attorney, he sure be used to what a Judge would say, if asked the same question. And the answer would be a big NO! The Secretary seems to think that he’s the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court all wrapped as one dictator whatever. But, his job is to see that the laws made by the Congress, signed by the President, are enforce, it is NOT to make up his own laws.

  • Mayorcas is incompetent and unfit for the job. He is in reactive mode instead of planning for the end of title 42. He has had more than enough time so now it is time for him to go. The entire democrat party players do not know how to govern and Americans can’t take much more of their charade. Buh-bye Mayorcas and buh-bye democrats!

  • Two years is more than enough time, its time for you to step down and let some one with brains control our border and not lieto the people and secure them.

  • Mayorcas has had two years to fix the border crisis created by Biden. His time is up and he must resign or be impeach for his inability to do the job. It seems to be a trend with Biden’s appointees.

  • Myriad has had two years to get a handle on the border and like Biden. he has failed miserably. He does not deserve more time and Biden needs to be impeached. They want these illegals in the county so they vanity Democrat in 2024. The Republicans need Tiger Bush and devices plan to stop Biden’s foolidshness before it is too late!

  • Myorkas has had two years to get a handle on the border and, like Biden, he has failed miserably. He does not deserve more time and Biden needs to be impeached. They want these illegals in the country so they can vote in 2024. The Republicans need to get busy and develop a plan to stop Biden’s foolishness before it is too late!

  • NO, no more time…it has been 2 years and FJB has let in 6 million ILLEGAL ALIENS…WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SAY NO WAY

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