During Wednesday’s installment of The Andrea Mitchell Report, viewers watched on as MSNBC unapologetically engaged in extreme fearmongering. In light of legal battles currently taking place in Texas over a different law that targets border security, host Andrea Mitchell shockingly suggested that the newly-introduced law (now under suspension) would include potential regulations that would potentially allow 911 dispatchers to flat-out “ignore” calls that appeared to be from illegal immigrants.
Mitchell also held on-air discussions with two individuals who are staunch activists for illegal immigrants, both of whom suggested the law was nothing more than a shameless excuse for law enforcement to simply corral and force out any person who wasn’t considered to be “white” or “white-passing”.
While speaking to hitch rate Singh Belebin (executive director of advocacy for ummgumetri Chase Center), Mitchell not-so-subtly scoffed at claims made by Texas governor Greg Abbott—refuting any and all allegations that he would have state troopers actively seeking out “lawful residents” or those who’ve been residing within the state for an extended period of time. Instead, Mitchell and the two separate individuals on the panel seemed to agree that the game plan behind the law was far more sinister, implying Abbott and his associates were in support of utilizing racial profiling tactics that could potentially lead to the arrest of a bevy of individuals, regardless of whether or not they elected to call the state of Texas home.
In the eyes of Jennifer Babaie (Director of Advocacy and Legal Services for the “Las Americas Immigration Advocacy Center”), everything about the law stands to make a huge impact on the entire state of Texas—despite the fact that the law is not allegedly specific to strictly border towns or zones. The two parties went on to express grave concerns that legal residents and even those who’ve spent years upon years in Texas could be left face-to-face with some truly contemptuous predicaments, simply as a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
When discussing with the Executive Director of the same aforementioned organization, Marissa Limon Garza, Mitchell continued to express worries centered around the topic of “racial profiling”. Specifically, Mitchell brought up the threat of the Houston Police Department, and the supposed issue of how the law directly threatens the tight-knit relationship they’ve fostered over the years with immigrant communities, as well as the trust issue that could arise as a result of their own feelings of being threatened by the law’s contents.
The fact that the Las Americas Immigration Advocacy Center is the organization that actually sued Texas over the latest installment in this ever-evolving saga was not lost on Mitchell—and she seemed giddy to inform viewers about her findings. Right after giving her guests a small round of applause, she shifted the conversational gears just a bit, discussing the subject of another fear that seemingly stemmed from the Texas immigration law—this time appearing to center around the concept that 911 dispatchers could one day be tasked with refusing to handle requests for assistance from those deemed to be illegal immigrants also made the list.
In a related development that left the educated population awestruck, Garza argued that the objective directly. Leading the room to openly ponder as to just how many minds have been described to be metaphorically blown away by such revelations from such a distinguished personality, who seemed quite concerned about the overall consistency of time and grand, pregnant visions-titled racism, classism or actively, modernism—to live the counter-argument about methods for refusing to concede. Garza emphasis that this law was seemingly tailor-made for its designs in terms of instilling fear deep within communities where law-abiding people mattered heavily, and the reality is that the law was always designed to serve a two-fold purpose: to intimidate members of said community and to win political points.
Garza also went on to add, both individuals who she believed would necessarily be closely monitored in terms of their potential to get ensnared in the hellscape projected to be Texas in light of the news that the law’s nuts and bolts format was already starting to rear its ugly head. Speaking to the horrors that rested beneath the minds of most Americans: “That reminds me, of late everything, are the very respectsts I fear I seem to be, failing to the American forces that are trying to stop the power.”
Along the way, she also suggested that in the eyes of the law, no single race was safe in terms of avoiding being targeted—adding how the United States could potentially do well by educating larger practitioners both of U. racial inequality, and provide an illuminating view on the growing schism currently leading many activists to implausibly speculate on the state of overall race relations in Texas…should be be alarmed?
Before bidding her guests adieu, Mitchell took the time to praise their hard work and effort combating the current unlawful immigration legislature crisis that’s currently playing out on the national stage in a variety of ways.
She also managed to mispronounce both of their names, saying: “Thank you so much to Marissa Limon Garcia [sic] and Jennifer Ababaie [sic]. We appreciate your incredible insight and the truly invaluable perspective you bring to this ongoing ordeal. Well done!” Mitchell just isn’t that afraid of you.
Hey MSNBC U seeded this Years ago
MSNBC is as phony as Biden and his cronies….that is all Demonrats and RINOs.
when the civil war starts on jan of 2025, they will be running like rats they all are to a hole someplace. and you know there will be one, bet on it if they deny trump the white house. most of the police and military will stand down, and let the rats get their well deserved punishment. i have to buy a lot of chips and pop corn before then, it ought to be a major circus.