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Must See: Kamala’s Teleprompter Fails—Watch Her Word Salad Disaster Unfold

It’s no secret that Kamala Harris has had more than her fair share of cringe-worthy moments on the campaign trail. But this latest rally gaffe takes the cake. Folks, if there’s one thing you take away from this, let it be this: Kamala Harris is an incompetent, hollow shell with zero original thoughts of her own.

That’s right—her teleprompter went down, and what happened? She immediately devolved into a mess of words, repeating herself over and over again, as if saying “32 days” four times would somehow fill the awkward silence. It didn’t. And it was terrifying. This woman is running for the highest office in the land, and she can’t string together a coherent sentence without a script. If that doesn’t raise red flags about her ability to lead, nothing will.

The Teleprompter Breakdown—Kamala’s Worst Nightmare

So what happened at that rally? Kamala’s teleprompter malfunctioned, and in an instant, her entire speech fell apart. No script, no talking points to fall back on—just Kamala Harris and her word salad bullsh*t. She tried to talk about the upcoming election, but instead of delivering a clear, confident message, she stumbled. Repeatedly.

She stood there, awkwardly stammering about “32 days” until the election, and then threw out phrases like “we got business to do” and “we will do it.” But here’s the kicker—she had no idea what business she was talking about.

The crowd, predictably full of blind loyalists, cheered anyway. But anyone with half a brain could see that Kamala was completely lost. She’s been giving the same tired speeches over and over again, yet when the prompter goes out, she can’t even remember her own talking points. Is this really who we want leading America?

A Stark Contrast: Trump Thrives Off-Script, Harris Flounders

Now, let’s compare this disaster to someone who can actually handle being off-script—Donald Trump. Whether you love him or hate him, one thing is undeniable: Trump thrives without a teleprompter. He doesn’t need one. Back in 2016, he rarely used them. And when he did, it was because political consultants begged him to stay on message.

That’s real leadership. When things go wrong, Trump can roll with it. Kamala? Not so much. The moment she’s forced to think for herself, it’s like watching a deer in the headlights. She freezes, repeats the same empty phrases, and hopes the crowd doesn’t notice. Spoiler alert: we all noticed.

Incompetence on Display—This Is Not an Isolated Incident

What makes this even worse is that it’s not an isolated incident. Kamala Harris has been fumbling and stumbling her way through public appearances for months now. Whether it’s her awkward laughter at inappropriate times, her nonsensical answers during interviews, or her horrendous debate performances, it’s clear that Kamala Harris is out of her depth.

This latest rally disaster is just one more example of how unprepared she is for the role of President. She’s been in politics for years, but when the pressure is on, she cracks. That should terrify every American.

The Bigger Picture—Kamala’s Leadership (or Lack Thereof)

Look, this isn’t just about one bad rally or a malfunctioning teleprompter. It’s about what happens when Kamala Harris is faced with a real crisis. What happens when there’s no teleprompter in the Oval Office? What happens when there’s no carefully curated speech for her to read off of? Will she freeze up like she did at this rally? Will she repeat empty phrases and hope the American people don’t notice?

This woman is running for the highest office in the land, and she can’t even handle a minor hiccup at a rally. What happens when she has to make tough decisions? What happens when the stakes are life or death? The truth is, Kamala Harris doesn’t have the mental or emotional fortitude to handle the pressure that comes with the presidency. And that should scare the hell out of every voter.

Final Thoughts—A Dangerous Prospect

If this rally doesn’t prove that Kamala Harris is a hollow shell of a politician, then I don’t know what will. Her teleprompter went down, and she immediately fell apart. She’s a politician without her own thoughts, without her own convictions, and without the competence to lead.

We’re 32 days away from a crucial election, and the idea that this woman could become the President of the United States is nothing short of terrifying. We need real leaders—people who can think on their feet, who can handle pressure, and who have the experience and strength to guide this country through tough times. Kamala Harris is not that person. And the sooner America realizes that, the better.

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