It’s beyond demeaning—it’s outright insulting. Former President Barack Obama’s recent remarks to Black men in Pittsburgh make one thing clear: he’s not interested in the autonomy or intelligence of voters. Instead, he’s pushing the same tired identity politics that have come to define the Democratic strategy. Obama’s speech was nothing short of racially manipulative, implying that Black men should get in line behind Kamala Harris simply because she’s Black and a woman. But why should anyone accept that? Shouldn’t people be free to make decisions based on facts and policies, not guilt trips from a former president?
Shaming Black Men to Save Harris’s Floundering Campaign
Obama’s message at Harris’s campaign stop in Pittsburgh was clear: Black men need to show up and support her, and if they don’t, it must be because they aren’t comfortable with the idea of a woman in power. Really, Obama? This is nothing but a backhanded way of saying, “Sit down, shut up, and do as you’re told.” It’s insulting, patronizing, and absolutely unworthy of the respect that many Black voters gave him in his own elections. The Democratic Party and its leaders talk about the importance of representation and respect, but they sure don’t practice it when it comes to allowing people to think for themselves.
Obama’s comments suggest that Black men who don’t support Harris are making excuses and finding other reasons not to back her. But has it ever occurred to him that maybe, just maybe, voters aren’t impressed with her track record? Or that they don’t appreciate being talked down to like children by a former president who clearly thinks he knows better?
Identity Politics on Steroids
Let’s call this what it is: a desperate attempt to maintain control. Obama is out there trying to push Harris because he knows she’s struggling—big time. Polls show that Black male voters are not enthusiastic about her campaign, and for good reason. Harris has yet to show that she’s got what it takes to lead this country. Instead, she’s leaned on the same old platitudes, talking about “equity” and “justice” without offering real solutions that resonate with working-class Black Americans. And now, when faced with the reality that she’s not getting the support she needs, the Democrats trot out their most influential mouthpiece to pressure voters into compliance.
Obama’s narrative? Black men who don’t fall in line must be uncomfortable with a woman in power. It’s a lazy excuse meant to dismiss legitimate concerns about Harris’s qualifications and leadership. What happened to evaluating candidates based on their policies, their record, and their ability to lead? But the Democrats don’t want that. They want a rubber stamp, and they think they can guilt-trip their way into getting it.
Kamala Harris: The Hollow Candidate
Let’s be real—Harris is a weak candidate, and Obama knows it. That’s why he’s stepping in. He’s not just campaigning for Harris; he’s trying to secure his influence in a potential Harris administration. Obama is playing puppet master, hoping to keep a hold on power from behind the scenes. After all, he’s done it before—just look at how the Biden administration has bent to his influence. But Harris is no Biden. She’s even less equipped to lead, a political chameleon who shifts her positions based on what she thinks will gain her favor in the moment. She’s a vessel, plain and simple.
And Obama? He’s angling for what would essentially be his fourth term. He sees in Harris someone who won’t challenge his agenda or push back on his policies. Her lack of conviction makes her the perfect candidate for him to manipulate. If Harris gets into the Oval Office, it’s Obama pulling the strings, not her.
Black Voters Deserve Better Than This
The most insulting part of all of this is how Obama talks to Black men, as if they can’t think for themselves. It’s the height of elitism. He’s not interested in hearing why Black men might have reservations about Harris. He’s not concerned with what issues actually matter to them. No, he’s only interested in telling them that if they don’t fall in line, they’re betraying their own community. This is the same Democratic Party that constantly lectures about “respecting diverse voices,” yet they refuse to respect Black men who dare to think differently.
And it’s not just about Harris. It’s about the broader Democratic approach to voters. They love to talk about freedom and choice—until it comes to the choices that don’t align with their agenda. They want Black voters to be loyal foot soldiers, not independent thinkers. Obama’s speech proves that when the Democratic Party can’t win with persuasion, they resort to shaming and guilt.
Kamala Harris Is Not Entitled to Black Votes
Here’s a radical idea, Barack: Black men are capable of making up their own minds. They don’t need to be lectured or told that they’re betraying their race by refusing to support a candidate they don’t believe in. Black voters—like all voters—deserve to choose their leaders based on the policies that will improve their lives, not because of pressure from political elites. If Kamala Harris can’t convince Black men that she’s the right choice, that’s on her. It’s not their job to save her campaign, and it’s not their responsibility to hand her their votes on a silver platter.
Black men have every right to scrutinize Harris’s record and ask tough questions about what she’s done for their communities. They have every right to be skeptical of a candidate who has yet to prove herself capable of leading this country. And they have every right to reject the idea that they should vote for someone based solely on their race or gender.
Final Thoughts: Obama’s Manipulative Game Exposed
Obama’s latest speech isn’t about inspiring voters or offering hope—it’s desperation and its about control. It’s about trying to use shame and guilt to bend voters to his will. But this time, it won’t work. Black men are waking up to the fact that they deserve better than being treated as pawns in the Democratic machine. They deserve a candidate who will earn their votes through respect and real solutions, not someone who expects their loyalty simply because of shared identity.
Kamala Harris has failed to win the hearts and minds of Black men, and no amount of finger-wagging from Obama will change that. It’s time to stop the condescension and start respecting voters enough to let them make their own choices. Anything less is an insult.
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h/t: Steadfast and Loyal