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Rules For Thee But None For Me, Cousil Reinstates Booted Insurrection Dem

It seems like a broken record: Democrats get away with civil disobedience, while Republicans are held accountable for their actions. That’s exactly what happened in Tennessee last week, when two Black Democratic lawmakers were expelled from the GOP-led statehouse for joining a gun-control protest in the aftermath of a deadly school shooting at a private Christian school in Nashville.

Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were kicked out of the legislature after disrupting House proceedings, and Republicans used a mechanism used only a handful of times since the Civil War to expel the two men. Democrats and their media allies have claimed that the move was racially motivated and that White Rep. Gloria Johnson was spared because of her race.

But it looks like the story won’t end there. On Monday, the Nashville Metropolitan Council voted unanimously to restore Jones to office. And Pearson could be reappointed as early as Wednesday by the Shelby County Commission.

The Democrats’ double-standard is all too clear: they’re never held to the same standards as GOP lawmakers and their policies. It’s a shame, but it’s one that never gets old. No matter the issue, it seems Democrats can get away with anything and everything, while Republicans are always held to a higher standard.

It remains to be seen whether Jones and Pearson will be successful in their efforts to return to the legislature. But it looks like this story won’t end with their expulsion. Democrats have proven time and time again that they can get away with civil disobedience, while Republicans are always held accountable for their actions. It’s yet another example of the blatant hypocrisy of the left.


It’s time for the GOP to stand up for itself and call out the Democrats for their double-standards. The Tennessee state legislature has made it clear that it won’t tolerate disruptions of its House proceedings, and it’s time for Democrats to be held to the same standard.

No matter the issue, it’s time for Republicans to stand up and call out the Democrats for their hypocrisy. The GOP needs to make it clear that it won’t be taken advantage of and that it won’t stand for any double-standards. The time for change is now.


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