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Sonny Houstin Get Real Dark With Phony J6 Comparison [Video]

On a recent episode of “The View,” co-host Sunny Hostin spewed hateful rhetoric, invoking the Holocaust to slam the January 6 Capitol riot as one of the “worst days in American history.” The liberal media continues to use this tragic event to push their anti-Trump agenda, but as voters’ opinions have shifted, it’s clear that the American people are seeing through the biased media’s lies.

During the show, Hostin claimed that the U.S. cannot move on from the “atrocity” of the Capitol riot and forget the “worst moments” in American history – comparing it to World War II and the Holocaust. This shocking comparison is nothing more than a desperate attempt to vilify former President Trump and his supporters.

But it gets worse. Hostin also accused those who believe the country should move on of “losing their moral clarity.” This statement is not only insulting, but it completely disregards the fact that the majority of voters have shifted their opinions on who was responsible for the January 6 events. As CNN’s senior data reporter Harry Enten pointed out, by December 2023, only 37% of voters believed Trump was responsible for the riot. But the media will continue to push their own false narrative, disregarding the facts and pushing their baseless agenda.

The truth is, the Capitol riot was a tragic event with only a handful of casualties, while the Holocaust killed tens of millions during World War II. To compare the two is not only insensitive, but it shows how the liberal media will go to any lengths to slander Trump and his supporters.


It’s clear that the liberal media will continue to use the Capitol riot to vilify Trump, even as voters’ opinions have shifted. But it’s time for the American people to see through their biased lies and hold the media accountable.

Hostin’s outlandish statement on “The View” proves just how far the mainstream media will go to push their anti-Trump agenda. As more voters open their eyes and see the truth, it’s time for the media to be held accountable for their deceitful tactics.

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