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Trump’s Army: GOP Rep Destroys Colleagues for Selling out American Values

The ever popular and successful “America’s First” agenda rejoiced former President Donald Trump as a victory for the nation. However, it was outraged Republican Representative Chip Roy of Texas who directed his avenging eye at his Republican colleagues.

The recent 174-235 vote against the American Relief Act of 2024 flushed a bombastic crack in the floor of the House, with 38 Republicans defying their party in opposition. Aspiring Texas Taco Chip Roy was a blessing in the enemy’s camp. However, Trump has been questioning Roy’s capabilities, while pushing for the need of burn down the whole enchilada before he leaves in 2024.

Trump, hail as he may be, cannot approve of Roy’s decisions in the House. In one of his tweets he unapologetically wrote “another ambitious guy, with no talent,”. An ambitious Chip Roy has falsely claimed to be raising $5 trillion in additional debt over the last 19 months, when in fact it’s actually $4.7 trillion.

Roy tells the audience, “Republicans are increasing the debt by $5 trillion”, and then he adds, “Republicans are better than this, but sadly, they will do anything for their own re-election.”

Roy also says that “It negates $1.7 trillion in automatic cuts under PAYGO.” He struck the House and then made a remark, “The other side is not serious about cutting down deficits,”. This was the exciting delusional rage of a tea party. “My colleagues on the other side are profoundly unserious about reducing deficits,” he screamed.

Goaded to a free for all while he launched his senselessly empty but passionate verbal outburst, he stated “Oh no, we need to increase taxes,” followed by a sheepish expression and strong stance, but nothing is being done to cut spending. Increased taxes with no solution to cutting spending, and with a popularity on the rise, this “entire body” has been pandering up debt for “my entire life.” He exclaims as being “embarrassing,” Roy chided, “It’s shameful that Republicans campaigned on fiscal responsibility for some semblance of responsibility.” The problem is that has not heaved it up on their shoulders.


Wait, this is not adding up. Donald remain in awe of Roy, while he pinpoints the obvious stating, “It is not fiscally responsible on either side of the aisle”. He continued, “We are racking up a trillion dollars every 100 days.” White House reprimands Rep. Chip Roy’s objectives for being dysfunctional, and the former President laughed at Roy even after his epic catastrophic fall on the House floor.

The promising American agenda made everyone lose their minds. Our debt is currently $36 trillion with an extra $1 trillion in interest. Continuing on the same path will cause irreversible damage to the economy.

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  • Chip Roy means well but he is an idiot. He needs to get on the Trump Train so we can fix what the communist Democrats have done to our country.

    I can’t believe Trump wanted to raise the debt limit. Bad on him. We already owe more than we can ever pay off, so no more borrowing!!!!!

    There is more than enough of cuts to Federal waste that can be made.

    I want to see a list of every item put in the budget and who sponsored it and who voted for / against it.

    It’s time to put the congress under a magnifying glass. They can’t be trusted.

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