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Watch As Jean-Pierre Blames Guns, Not Immigration, For Texas Murders

It’s a tragedy when innocent lives are taken, and that’s exactly what happened in Texas last week. Five people were killed by an illegal alien who had been deported from the U.S. five times. Francisco Oropesa went on a shooting rampage after his neighbors asked him to stop shooting his gun because they had a baby inside trying to sleep.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre addressed the tragedy in a statement, ignoring the fact that the suspect was an illegal alien. She instead pushed the White House narrative that the incident was an example of “horrific act of gun violence in America” and called on Congress to act without delay to restrict gun rights.

What Jean-Pierre failed to mention is that there is no legal way that the suspect could have obtained the firearm. This is yet another example of how the Biden administration’s open borders immigration policies have driven up crime rates across the US.

It’s time for the Biden administration to take responsibility for the crisis at the border. The number of illegal immigrants crossing the border has skyrocketed in recent months, and the administration has done nothing to address the root causes of this influx.

The President and his administration need to take immediate action to secure the border, enforce existing immigration laws, and end the incentive for illegal immigration.

Instead of pushing for gun restrictions that would do nothing to stop illegal aliens from committing violent crimes, the White House must take action to address the root cause of these tragedies. The safety and security of the American people depend on it.


It’s outrageous and preposterous. The White House is willfully using this tragedy to push for gun control to avoid the real issue in this case—The criminal shouldn’t have been here! Even with some basic border policies in place, the killer would have been jailed and deported but not under these clowns.

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