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Watch as Sen Tom Cotton Mobs The Floor With This Liberal Host

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and showed viewers how to handle liberal media bias. Specifically, he refused to accept the media’s narratives and agendas, instead firmly pushing back against their biased questions and attempts to defend the Biden-Harris regime.

Cotton first took host Kristen Welker to task over her defense of the regime’s decision to withhold weapon shipments to Israel after the country defended itself against a deadly Hamas attack. Welker attempted to downplay this as “embargo” on weapons, but Cotton rightly pointed out that any hindrance of commerce is considered an embargo. By refusing to accept the media’s spin, Cotton demonstrated how important language and accurate reporting is, particularly in the wake of an American citizen being killed by a terrorist organization.


Welker then tried to accuse former President Trump of “flip-flopping” on abortion ahead of a vote on Florida’s Amendment 4, which would extend abortion access up to 24 weeks. Cotton turned this argument on its head, pointing out that it is the Democrats who are pushing for unrestricted abortion with very few limits, as seen in their proposed bill. He also challenged Welker to defend the exceptions for late-term abortions and forced her to confront the reality of what these actions truly mean.

Cotton did not let Welker’s attempts to defend Kamala Harris go unnoticed. Welker attempted to argue that Harris did not actually “vote against” a revised Born Alive Infant Protection Act, but Cotton rightfully pointed out that a vote against cloture – which requires 60 votes – is effectively a vote against the bill. Despite Welker’s attempts to mislead viewers, Cotton remained resolute in not accepting her twisted narrative.


Finally, the topic of the Abbey Gate bombing in Kabul was also addressed, with Welker attempting to cover for the regime and its handling of the tragedy. However, Cotton did not accept this and continued to push back against the biased narrative being pushed by the liberal media.

Throughout his interview, Senator Tom Cotton demonstrated how essential it is to never accept the media’s premises or narratives. He refused to back down in the face of liberal media bias and demonstrated how accountability and accurate reporting are crucial in informing the public. By standing up against the biased media, Cotton set an example for other politicians and individuals to follow in their own interactions with the media.

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