Harris Faulkner of Fox News outright called out former Biden campaign surrogate Kevin Walling on Tuesday for President Joe Biden’s “failed” trip to Maui. Faulkner said, “We are looking at a pathological narcissist at this point.”
Biden visited Maui on Monday to check on the victims of the devastating wildfires that have already killed over one-hundred people in the area. While speaking to the locals, Biden told an insensitive story of a small kitchen fire in his house that he claims nearly burned his Corvette. Faulkner fumed, “I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it’s like to lose a home.” This failed to provide any relief to the struggling people and was met with bitter laughs. To add insult to injury, Biden also cracked jokes during the visit, which further unleashed the anger of the conservatives.
Peter Doocy: I can't explain this #FoxNews
Fox News' Peter Doocy reports the latest on Biden's Maui visit from the White House pic.twitter.com/vbUCdmDBlm— tuan (@tuan09468158) August 22, 2023
Faulkner cut in and said, “Well, I didn’t exactly say that,” refuting what Walling had said. She then added, “He’s not at his best because he can’t do that, so one story out of an entire five hour visit is an embarrassment. These people are really suffering.” This statement perfectly echoes the frustration and pain caused by Biden’s insensitivity towards the victims of this disaster.
Faulkner concluded her righteous rant by pointing out the negligence of Biden’s staff, calling out all of them for allowing the President to return to his vacation rather than staying in Maui longer. All of Biden’s visits and remarks came off as an attempt to save his reputation, rather than to sincerely reach out to the victims of this awful calamity. Justice could never be recovered with Biden’s apathy and lies.
Joe Biden simply does not care about all of the casualties and deaths in Maui. Instead, he’s been on vacation! #TheFive pic.twitter.com/WLFLpdB5Xd
— Jeanine Pirro (@JudgeJeanine) August 22, 2023
Biden decided to break away from his vacation in Lake Tahoe for only a day to visit Maui while refusing to answer questions from the media for days. This lack of communication raised more criticism and questions from the public who perceived it as if Biden didn’t care about the severity of the situation.
He basically dropped in, used a whole new exaggeration to form what he believed to be a relatable lie, and then just simply went back to his vacation. That should speak volumes to his so-called supporters.
We did not expect much more after how is handled everything else especially the Ohio tragedy [train wreck]
Joe is a narcissistic sociopathy and when did Faulkner grow back her spine?
What a waste she is a Fox tramp -o- line
See Biden treatment that U voted for
Hay Democratic Hawaii, now you know how the rest of us feel. At least you don’t have every illegal immigrant showing up on your door step. Keep voting Democrat and see where it gets you.