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Watch: White House Sticks Their Noses In State’s Business- Slams TN GOP

It’s time for the Biden Administration and Democratic Party to stop their hypocritical posturing and start listening to the American people. In January, the Tennessee Republicans voted to expel three Democratic representatives for participating in a gun-control protest, and the Biden Administration and Democratic Party were quick to condemn this move. But their response was hypocritical considering their silence on the actions of the Democrats as protesters stormed the State’s Capitol.

It’s clear that the Biden Administration and Democratic Party are out of touch with the American people on the issue of gun rights. A majority of Americans believe that the right to bear arms is a fundamental right, and that any attempts to restrict this right should be done cautiously and with the input of the people. But, instead of taking the time to understand the concerns of the American people, the Biden Administration and Democratic Party are trying to push through their own agenda of gun control.

The Democrats and Biden Administration are calling for bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, safe storage of firearms, and eliminating gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability and requiring background checks for all gun sales. But, these measures do nothing to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. It’s clear that the Democrats and Biden Administration are not interested in protecting the rights of gun owners, but rather in restricting them in an attempt to score political points.

Biden’s claim that he would be ‘everyone’s’ president was a lie. He’s quickly shown that he’s willing to take extreme positions on gun control that ignore the wishes of the American people. This kind of rhetoric and action only serves to divide us further, and it needs to stop.

Instead of pushing their own agenda, the Biden Administration and Democratic Party should be open to working with the American people to find solutions that protect our rights and keep our communities safe. It’s time for them to recognize that the right to bear arms is a fundamental right that should not be infringed upon. Anything less is hypocritical and a disservice to the American people.

We need to make our voices heard and let the Biden Administration and Democratic Party know that we won’t stand for their attempts to take away our rights. We need to speak up and fight for our right to bear arms and protect ourselves rights by voting clowns like the Biden administration out of office!

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