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Watch!Host Has To Stop Smollett’s Hired ‘Attackers’ From Cursing On Air, They Were LIVID!

The liberal news media had a field day with the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, but it turns out the whole story was a sham. On Thursday night, Newsmax’s Eric Bolling hosted the two brothers involved in the hoax, Olabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo, who recounted the whole scheme.

It all began when Smollett allegedly claimed to have been attacked in 2019 by two men that shouted anti-gay and racist remarks before putting a noose around his neck and pouring bleach on him in Chicago. Police investigated the incident as a hate crime until it fell apart and turned out to be a hoax.

The brothers explained that Smollett instructed them earlier in the day to buy specific items for the fake attack, such as a rope, a MAGA hat, and other items to conceal the brothers’ identity. Olabinjo went on to explain that it “was cold as a motherfucker” and that they had to stay “in character” while they were walking around.

Bolling then asked Olabinjo to explain the actual incident but had to remind him not to curse. Olabinjo admitted to using the f-word, the N-word, and saying “this is MAGA country”. The duo then explained that Smollett was allegedly “scared” to be hit too hard and that they have not heard from him since.

It’s an absolute disgrace that the liberal news media was so quick to lap up Smollett’s story and act like it was fact. Not only did the media buy into this sham, but it also created a divide in our country and painted a false picture of what it means to be a victim of a hate crime.

The real victims of hate crimes are often silenced and ignored, while Smollett’s hoax was given national attention and coverage. The media should have been more skeptical of Smollett’s story and not jumped on the bandwagon so quickly.


What’s even more unbelievable is that Smollett still hasn’t taken responsibility for his actions or publicly apologized to the two brothers. Not only did they have to endure the cold weather while they were carrying out Smollett’s plan, but he also put them in danger of facing criminal charges.

It’s time for Smollett to face the consequences of his actions and apologize to the Osundairo brothers. He should also apologize to the public for making a mockery of hate crime victims and wasting the resources of law enforcement. It’s time for justice to be served and the truth to come to light.

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