In a segment of Amanpour & Co., host Christian Amanpour promoted the idea that gun-related crime is rampant in America because of a misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment. She attempted to blur the line between law-abiding citizens and criminals by claiming that “good guys” are responsible for majority of gun deaths.
However, this narrative ignores the importance of gun ownership as a means of self-defense and protection for individuals.
Amanpour began the segment by referencing a recent mass shooting in Kansas City and noting that it was the third mass shooting in America this week and the 48th this year.
She then cited President Joe Biden’s statement that events like these “should move us, shock us, shame us into acting.” However, she quickly shifted the focus to the supposed “paralysis” of lawmakers in addressing gun violence due to a belief in the protection of an individual’s right to bear arms.
She then brought on author Dominic Erdozain to discuss his book, One Nation Under Guns, which argues that the Founding Fathers never intended for gun rights to override every other right. Amanpour highlighted the support for banning handguns from prominent Republicans in the past, implying that the current stance on gun rights is misguided.
She then shifted the focus to the frequency of mass shootings in America, stating that it has become “baked into American life.”
Referring to a recent speech by Donald Trump at an NRA event, Amanpour scoffed at the idea that the individual right to bear arms is about “good guys” having guns versus “bad guys.” She then proceeded to claim that “good guys” are responsible for much of America’s murder rate and that most gun deaths occur within known groups like family and friends. She questioned the legitimacy of using this as a defense for gun rights.
However, this narrative ignores the importance of gun ownership for self-defense and protection against violent criminals. In reality, the majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens who use their firearms responsibly for the purpose of self-defense. Guns are often used as a deterrent to crime and can save lives in dangerous situations.
Amanpour concluded the segment by cueing her guest to argue that the individual right to bear arms is a threat to American democracy. Yet, gun ownership is actually an important aspect of a democracy, as it allows citizens to protect themselves against potential government tyranny. Furthermore, the 2nd Amendment was written to ensure the right to bear arms as a means of defending against both criminal threats and government overreach.
Amanpour’s segment on gun violence in America presents a misguided and one-sided view of the issue and I’m surprised the two were able to maintain a straight face. By blurring the line between law-abiding citizens and criminals, it perpetuates the false narrative that gun ownership is the root cause of violence.
In reality, responsible gun ownership is a fundamental right and a necessary means of protection for individuals in a society. Suggesting that acts of gun violence are perpetrated by responsible gun owners is not just false they’re avoiding the real issues surrounding gun violence; like mental health and the rising crime rate.
better to have a gun, and not need it, than to need a gun, and not have it. the most crime right now is cause by these laws. and also from people who see this as being like the gangstas in movies. most do not see the far reaching trouble they will be in when doing a gun crime, or just don’t care.
She needs to experience a Mugging etc then see her attitude changes fast
Check out the segment of population committing the murders! It doesn’t fit the MSM narrative. It got so bad that they had to combine white and Latino as white to make the whites look worse. Why is the color/race of shooters not published – unless they are white? The Liberal establishment is doing everything it can through MSM to make whites look bad – it isn’t working. We know better. Look up the facts instead of following Liberal hacks on MSM.
From what I see on the news programs, most of the shooters are black and I doubt they have guns registered in their name, if at all, and don’t have a CCW permit. So why are they going after law-abiding citizens who do?
It amazes me , that in order to have a “VALID/Valued opinion” on gun ownership , all one needs is a foreign accent. These two , having a dialogue, have a combine I.Q. of 5 .
Neither has knowledge of the 2nd Amendment , or FACTS about gun violence . They sure can make up some “heady lies” . My My My my myyy, old Joe Stalin, Adolph , and Fidel are smiling , where ever they may be.