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Watch This Black Woman UNLOAD On Government Destroying Her Kids

As a parent, it’s my job to protect my children from anything and everything that could potentially harm them—including racism. Unfortunately, racism is still a very real and present issue in our society, and it’s something I worry about every day.

Recently, the Minnesota House of Representatives proposed a bill that would require an ethnic studies curriculum in schools, which would embed ethnic studies into the state’s academic standards.

Kofi Montzka, an attorney and mother of three boys, spoke out against the legislation in a Minnesota House Education Finance Committee. She argued that the bill would perpetuate the idea of stratification based on race, telling kids of color that they are stuck in a caste system based on their skin color.

Minnesota resident Hillary Swanson also spoke out against the bill. She said that the legislation’s definition of ethnic studies would divide and stereotype by race. She argued that no one should have privilege over someone else based on their skin color.

I completely agree with Kofi and Hillary. We should not be teaching our children to judge someone based on their skin color. We should instead be teaching them to respect everyone regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Moreover, this bill goes against the progress we have made as a society in terms of racial equality. We should not be going back to the era of Jim Crow. Instead, we should be striving for an America where everyone is equal and racism is no longer an issue.

In order to make this a reality, we need to stand up and fight back against the powers that be. We need to vote out the people who are pushing this agenda, and we need to show up and be heard at our local council meetings.

We need to make sure our voices are heard and that our children are not taught to judge someone based on their skin color. We need to make sure that our children are taught to respect everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Racism is still a very real issue in our society, and it’s up to us, as parents, to take a stand and make sure that our children are not taught to judge someone based on their skin color. We need to fight for an America where everyone is equal and racism is no longer an issue.

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