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Abuse Alert: Dems Grants Millions to Groups NOT Focused on Stopping Asian Hate Crimes

The state of California allocated $110 million towards stopping hate crimes against Asians, but it has been revealed that the funds have gone to organizations promoting LGBT causes and various other unrelated issues. This misuse of public money has resulted in concerns regarding the effectiveness of the program and whether the allocated funds are truly going towards addressing anti-Asian hate crimes.

As stated by Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce president, Carl Chan, “Some of the organizations are getting millions of dollars to ‘stop [Asian American Pacific Islander] hate,’ but it doesn’t look like they’re doing anything to actually stop it.” This misuse of funds is a clear indication of the corrupt and greedy nature of many Democratic politicians and their accomplices.

According to reports, several organizations that received funding from the Stop the Hate Program did not have any goals related to helping Asians. This includes the Positive Resource Center, which received over half a million dollars to create a film on anti-racism and anti-hate, specifically focusing on the experiences of Black transgender individuals. This is a clear diversion of funds from the intended purpose of the program, which was to address the rise in hate crimes against Asians.

It’s not just LGBT causes that have received funding under the guise of stopping anti-Asian hate. The TransLatin@ Coalition, an organization that aims to help Latino “Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex immigrant women in Los Angeles,” has received over three million dollars. This is a prime example of how corrupt politicians will use any excuse to funnel public money towards their own agendas, regardless of how it affects the intended purpose of the program.

The misuse of funds doesn’t just stop at organizations promoting LGBT causes. The Oakland Asian Cultural Center received $90,000 to create an anti-racism podcast, which again, does not address the issue of anti-Asian hate crimes. This is just another example of how the Democratic politicians in charge of these fund allocations are more concerned with promoting their own agendas than actually addressing the issue at hand.

Sharma goes on to list 19 points, much of what we’re discussing here but if you get a chance to look it up, you should check them out>here.

It’s truly disheartening to see how the Democratic Party, which claims to champion the rights of marginalized communities, would take advantage of a legitimate issue like anti-Asian hate crimes to push their own agendas and line the pockets of their allies. This misuse of funds is a slap in the face to the Asian community, who have been the targets of increasing hate crimes.

It’s time for the people of California to hold their elected officials accountable and demand that these funds be used for their intended purpose of addressing anti-Asian hate crimes. Corruption and greed have no place in our government, and it’s time to put an end to these corrupt practices. As citizens, it is our responsibility to speak out against these injustices and demand transparency and accountability from our leaders. Let’s not allow the corrupt politicians

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  • So what is being done about it other than whimpering about it. There are those responsible so why aren’t they being adequately charged and brought to justice ? No wonder these damn politicians think they can get away with such things because apparently they can.

  • The governor is ultimately responsible for this. The buck stops with Newsom and he appears to be doing nothing about it. This is typical of a socialist democrat state. If Californians want Liberty and Justice they had better vote democrats out or it will just get worse.

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