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Arizona Rancher Targeted by Mexican Government for Defending His Property

Mexican authorities are targeting an Arizona rancher who allegedly shot and killed an illegal immigrant on his private property. According to an attorney representing the rancher, the Mexican government is planning to help the family of the deceased sue the rancher.

The rancher, George Alan Kelly, 75, was not found guilty in the death of Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, 48, after a jury deadlocked on charges of second-degree murder and aggravated assault. The charges were dismissed by a Superior Court judge on Monday.

Kelly testified that he was eating lunch on January 30, 2023, when he saw a group of armed men crossing his property near his home. In response, Kelly fired warning shots to scare them off. However, one of the men, Cuen-Buitimea, was hit and died from his injuries.

Due to the unique circumstances and challenges surrounding this case, the Santa Cruz County Attorney’s Office has decided not to seek a retrial. The defense attorney for Kelly stated that the jury was deadlocked 7-1 in favor of a not-guilty verdict.

According to the New York Times, the Mexican Consul General, Marcos Moreno Baez, called the decision not to retry Kelly “regrettable” and stated that they would explore other options with the family, including a civil process.

Furthermore, Ali Bradley, a reporter who covers the border crisis for NewsNation, revealed that Mexico is working with Cuen-Buitimea’s family to sue Kelly. This interference from the Mexican government has been condemned by Kelly’s attorney, who also highlights the criminal background of the deceased.

The defense attorney also pointed out the hypocrisy of the situation, stating that if the roles were reversed and a Mexican resident illegally crossed the border and was shot by an American homeowner, the Mexican government would be demanding an apology from the highest levels of the US government. However, in this scenario, with an illegal immigrant committing a criminal act and trespassing on private property, the Mexican government feels justified in interfering with US courts and targeting the rancher.

It’s worth noting that if the Mexican government had control over their own border, this incident would likely have never occurred. Instead of targeting an innocent rancher, the family of the deceased should consider suing their own government for failing to address the issue of illegal immigration and allowing criminal cartels to thrive.

In conclusion, Mexican officials should not interfere with US courts. Instead, they should take responsibility for their own country and work towards securing their own border. The death of Cuen-Buitimea is a tragic result of the Mexican government’s failure to address the issue of illegal immigration, and targeting an innocent rancher will not solve the problem.

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