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Boebert Clears The Air On Reported Assult Charges

A weekend altercation in a Colorado restaurant has garnered attention after Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert was alleged to have punched her former husband, Jayson, twice in the face. The incident occurred when Boebert went to pick up one of her sons at her ex-husband’s home. According to sources, the situation escalated when her former husband attempted to hug her, causing her to put her hand up to create space. After this encounter, they agreed to meet at a local restaurant.

Boebert’s aide claims that while at the restaurant, her ex-husband became “lewd” and “aggressive.” The aide also stated that he attempted to grab Boebert, causing her to use her hand to keep him at a distance. Despite these claims, Boebert has denied the allegations of physical violence, stating, “I didn’t punch Jayson in the face. I will be consulting with my lawyer about the false claims he made against me and evaluate all of my legal options.”

The incident was first reported by a far-left group called American Muckrakers, whose mission is to remove Boebert from the House of Representatives. In a social media post, the group alleged that Boebert “punched her ex-husband…and then continued to beat him up.” However, Boebert’s ex-husband has since come forward and stated that he does not want to press charges, saying, “I only want what’s best for the boys and I still love her very much.”

The Silt Police Department is currently investigating the matter, and no arrests have been made. They have also requested video footage from inside the restaurant to help with their investigation. Jayson Boebert has since commented on the incident, saying, “I made a mistake. We both overreacted. I only want the best for her.”

It’s a sad situation for all involved, with Boebert’s aide stating, “This is a sad situation that keeps escalating and another reason I’m moving.” As for the congresswoman, she has denied any physical altercation and is considering her legal options. But regardless of the outcome, it is clear that this incident has only added fuel to the fire of the already contentious political climate in the country.

The incident has also brought Boebert’s personal life into the public eye. Boebert is now planning to run for the soon-to-be-vacant 4th District seat in Colorado upon Republican Rep. Ken Buck’s retirement from the House of Representatives next year. But while some may use this incident to attack Boebert, her ex-husband’s statement and refusal to press charges suggest that there may be more to the story than what has been reported.

As the investigation continues, it is important to remember that this is a family matter, and privacy and respect should be given to all parties involved. It serves as a reminder that public figures are also human and have their own personal struggles to navigate. And regardless of political views, it is important to approach this situation with compassion and understanding. As Jayson Boebert stated, “We both overreacted. I only want what’s best for the boys and I still love her very much.” Sometimes, in the midst of heated debates and political tensions, it is important to remember that at the core, we are all human beings with emotions and personal lives.

The media loves more than to take the personal situations of a conservative representative and spin it in to washroom gossip. This isn’t the first time they have tried to smear Boebert and I doubt it will be the last. They have even poked fun at her working-class education as elitists often do.  She’s an outspoken female conservative and we know from experience that they can’t stand for that.

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  • I’m wondering why you losers, on this site, thought it was appropriate to use a photo that looks like she is grabbing an old man by the crotch for the lead into this BS piece? Want to answer me? Or will you just do what all leftist leaning sites do and censor my post? My guess will be the latter!

    • Just reading your comment now and approved it, so no censorship here as long as there’s nothing vulgar or violence related. you are entitled to your opinion. However, If you think we are a left-leaning site, then maybe read more of our articles… I’m not the writer, but I’ll ask him to comment on his picture choice – it does “grab” you doesn’t it?

    • We’re not here to censor anyone. I think there is plenty of that going on now days. The point of the photo was to spark conversation. Just like the article we are trying to bring to attention the fact that the media has desperately tried to spin stories about Boebert because she’s a strong outspoken conservative, and a woman which flies in the face of their agenda. If you read the original article, or this one, you’d see that we are discussing the manipulation of the media. Boebert was accused of assaulting her husband and her denial has been drowned out and disregarded.

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