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Gingrich OWNED Juan Williams, Schooled Him On Hunter’s Crimes!

It was a heated exchange on Fox News Sunday when Juan Williams, a liberal Fox News contributor, attempted to defend Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter from charges that he’s profited off of his father’s name by engaging in corrupt business deals. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich was having none of it, however, and shut down Williams’ arguments in what has become an iconic moment in TV history.

“We know Hunter Biden’s an addict we know he’s an alcoholic. We know he’s had sex addiction problems. We know he’s not the son you would have. But Joe Biden acted as a father trying to protect his son and try to help his son,” Williams said in defense of Hunter.

Williams then attempted to deflect attention away from Hunter by bringing up the Trump family: “But you compare that to the graft and the grifting from Trump golf courses, Trump hotels, Chinese shoe deals with the daughter, the son-in-law getting billions from the Saudis. It’s unbelievable.” He then went on to falsely claim that Hunter Biden is a distraction from the corruption of the Trump family.

Gingrich jumped in to make sure the conversation stayed focused on Hunter Biden’s shady business deals: “The widow of the Moscow sent millions of dollars to Hunter Biden. He got money from Kazakhstan. He got money from Ukraine and served on a board about which he knew nothing. He got a lot of money from China and it’s a fact Juan, that there were $3 million that has been disclosed that went to the Biden family from a Chinese billionaire. That is a fact.”

Williams then argued that nepotism is not a crime, and Gingrich ended the conversation by pointing out that based on Williams’ “description of Hunter, why would anyone invest in Hunter? They were investing in Joe!”

The facts clearly show that Joe Biden has used his influence as Vice President to benefit his son and keep him out of trouble. Hunter Biden has profited off of his family name and has engaged in numerous shady business deals that have raised eyebrows. The fact that Juan Williams attempted to defend him shows just how far some people will go to protect the corrupt Biden family.


It’s time for the American people to wake up and see the Bidens for who they really are: a family of crooked politicians who will do anything to enrich themselves. We can no longer allow them to get away with their shady dealings and must hold them accountable for their actions. We must also put an end to nepotism and put an end to the Biden dynasty once and for all.

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  • I’m astonished that since juan has evidence (he KNOWS!), why he didn’t go immediately to this left-fallen DOJ that would have had Jared immediately imprisoned more securely than a Jan6 tourist; instead of trying to distract away from this particular hunter/creepyjoe corruption?

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