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James Biden Cracks, Start Talking About The Family’s Foreine Business Deals

The recent revelations made by the House Ways and Means Committee have shed light on the corrupt and criminal actions of President Joe Biden and his brother, James Biden. The Biden crime family has been exposed for attempting to assist a Chinese company in acquiring American energy assets, which could potentially amount to treason.

During an interview with the FBI, James Biden confirmed that he and Hunter had indeed tried to help the CEFC energy company in China purchase a liquid natural gas facility located on Monkey Island off the coast of Louisiana.

He also revealed that he had a personal meeting with the chairman of CEFC, Ye Jianming, who was presented as a protégé of President Xi. This raises questions about the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement and potential collusion with the Chinese government.

The timing of these disclosures is significant as it comes just before the start of the congressional impeachment inquiry hearing against President Biden. This has led many Republicans to call for further investigation into his actions and those of his family members.

Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA) expressed his concerns in an interview on “John Solomon Reports,” stating, “If you look at some of those ports in Louisiana … like Port Fourchon… the idea that you would help the Chinese acquire assets in that area… I don’t understand how much more of a traitor you could be than to do such a thing.” This highlights the gravity of the situation and the potential threat that Biden’s actions pose to national security.

Further documents released by federal prosecutors revealed that Hunter Biden received millions from China, including from the CEFC deal. However, James’ FBI interview provided more insight into the extent of their collusion with the Chinese energy company. It is clear that the Bidens were willing to use their political influence and connections with the Chinese government for personal gain.

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, approved the release of confidential information gathered from an extensive FBI and IRS investigation into Hunter’s family. This provided even more evidence against them and the potential for Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) violations. These revelations also raise questions about the involvement of Joe Biden himself, despite his denials.

In addition to the details uncovered about Hunter’s plea deal, emails obtained by the House Ways and Means Committee revealed that federal prosecutors were directed to only focus on FARA evidence and not mention “Political Figure 1,” referring to Joe Biden. This raises suspicions that the Justice Department may have been protecting Biden by halting certain leads and investigations, especially due to their close relationship with both parties involved.

It is deeply concerning that the Justice Department would prioritize protecting Biden rather than pursuing justice and upholding the law.

It is evident that the Biden family has been involved in unethical and potentially criminal activities, and it is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to hold them accountable.

The American people deserve to know the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement and any potential breaches of national security. It is time to uncover the truth about the corrupt actions of the Biden crime family and demand justice for their treacherous actions against our nation.

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  • “A people that elect corrupt politicians , imposters , thrives , and traitors are not victims but accomplices” quote George Orwell Biden during all of his 50+ years in politics has been all the above yet our voting morons still put him in office. With that said politicians are not our root problem. Those that give them the keys to our destiny are the problem.

  • The last two paragraphs of this articles are to the point. What are the Biden family ties to China? And what motivates Joe Biden energy policies?

  • Follow the money!! Joe Biden has multiple reasons for his energy policies. implementing his green agenda is only part of it. If he can make us more dependent on China for our energy resources he and his family stand to gain financially.

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