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Kamala HUMILIATED – Dem Donor Says She’s No Obama!

When even the big-money Democrat donors turn on you, it’s time to pack it up and go home. Kamala Harris just got roasted by none other than John Morgan, a top-tier Democratic mega-donor. If you don’t know who John Morgan is, just imagine Scrooge McDuck swimming in a vault of DNC cash. When a guy like that speaks, Democrats listen — and Kamala’s ears must be burning right now.

Morgan didn’t hold back. He called out Harris for being a knock-off Obama with none of the talent but all of the self-delusion. Ouch. Worse yet, he admitted what we’ve been saying for years — Kamala didn’t win her votes. People weren’t voting for her; they were voting against Trump. Talk about a humbling reality check.

Kamala’s Delusion: She Thought She Was Obama

Kamala Harris is apparently trying to cosplay as Barack Obama — same cadence, same “hope and change” mumbo jumbo, and even the same vacation spot (Hawaii, of course). But there’s a problem: You can’t just copy Obama’s playbook and expect to win.

According to John Morgan, she’s been mimicking Obama’s speaking style, mannerisms, and campaign tactics — but it all falls flat. Why? Because Kamala Harris is no Obama. In fact, she’s no anybody. She’s an empty suit with zero political talent and a track record of embarrassing failures.

But here’s the kicker. Despite getting humiliated in the Democratic primaries (remember her whopping 8% in California?), she still thinks she’s presidential material. Delusion, thy name is Kamala.

“She is not Barack Obama. She has no talent. She can never run for president again,” Morgan declared.

Absolutely brutal. This isn’t some Fox News commentator talking — this is one of the Democrats’ own.

Zero Delegates, Zero Talent, and Zero Clue

Let’s be honest — Kamala’s presidential campaign was a total joke. She burned through almost $2 BILLION just to drop out before the Iowa caucus. For those keeping score, that’s a whole lot of money to accomplish absolutely nothing.

Her California numbers were even more pathetic. She only managed to pull in 8% of her home state. Think about that. The people who know her best wanted nothing to do with her. But sure, let’s pretend she’s a serious presidential contender.

John Morgan didn’t mince words. He said the Harris campaign is now so deep in debt that they’re still begging donors for cash. They blew through two billion dollars and now they’re panhandling for pocket change. If you can’t manage your campaign’s finances, how on earth are you going to manage the entire U.S. economy? Spoiler alert: You’re not.

“If you can’t run your campaign, you damn sure can’t run the country,” Morgan fired off like a closing argument in court.

Mic drop.

Baron Trump is Smarter Than Kamala’s Entire Campaign Staff

This part’s almost too good to be true. While Kamala’s “genius” campaign advisors were telling her to avoid Joe Rogan, guess who was encouraging his dad to appear on Rogan’s podcast? Baron Trump.

That’s right. Baron Trump, a teenager, had more political insight than Kamala’s entire team of high-paid consultants. Trump took Baron’s advice, went on Rogan’s show, and connected with millions of voters who would never have seen him otherwise.

Meanwhile, Kamala’s crew sat around playing Candy Crush, refusing to engage with anyone outside their progressive bubble. Morgan called them out for this idiocy, saying:

“If I’m running, I’m living on Fox and going on Joe Rogan. That’s how you change minds.”

Exactly. Kamala didn’t just avoid Rogan — she ran from him like he was serving subpoenas. Imagine thinking you’re too good for one of the most-watched podcasts in the world. Delusion doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Why Did It Take So Long for Democrats to Catch On?

Here’s the part that’s actually frustrating. Conservatives have been calling this out since day one. We’ve been shouting from the rooftops that Kamala is an empty suit with a forced smile. She’s a walking “word salad” generator, famous for cringe-worthy speeches that make no sense whatsoever.

But for some reason, it took Democrats until now to figure it out. Why? Because they were too busy riding the “Orange Man Bad” train to notice that Kamala had no clue what she was doing.

John Morgan is one of the first major Democratic donors to publicly say what we’ve all known for years. Kamala Harris is not a leader. She’s not a serious politician. She’s just an opportunist who got lucky being picked as Biden’s VP because she checked the right boxes.

But even those boxes don’t matter anymore. She’s so bad at her job that even her biggest allies are finally turning on her. If John Morgan is willing to call her out on Fox News, you know things are bad.

Final Thoughts

Kamala Harris is done. When the big-money Democrat donors start calling you talentless, it’s game over. John Morgan made it clear — she’s no Obama, she’s no leader, and she’s certainly no president.

Her campaign debt is sky-high, her political instincts are non-existent, and her strategy of hiding from alternative media (like Joe Rogan) was a colossal failure. Even Baron Trump had better ideas than Kamala’s entire campaign staff.

If Democrats are smart, they’ll learn from this and move on from Kamala Harris. But don’t hold your breath. Knowing them, they’ll probably double down on stupid. Either way, we’ll be here to watch it all burn.


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