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Kellyanne Conway Takes Down Dem Claiming The Lefts Aren’t Pro-Abortion

In a Sunday night appearance on Fox News, former Trump administration official Kellyanne Conway called out a Democratic guest for spreading misinformation about the Democratic position on abortion. During the segment, Democratic strategist Jose Aristimuno claimed that Democrats did not support abortion past the first trimester, despite evidence showing otherwise.

Conway took issue with Aristimuno’s claim, which he had made in response to a question about Vice President Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion restrictions. She pointed out that the actual legislation supported by Democrats in states like New York and California allows for abortion up until the moment of birth. This includes a bill signed into law by Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, which allows for abortions throughout an entire pregnancy.

Aristimuno attempted to defend his position by stating that most Democrats and Americans would only support abortion during the first trimester. However, data from a Wall Street Journal poll conducted in October 2023 showed that 77% of Democrats favored allowing a woman to have an abortion for any reason, even late into a pregnancy.

Conway did not let Aristimuno’s misinformation go unchallenged, calling him out for lying and demanding that he provide accurate information. She pointed out that states like California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Colorado all have laws that allow for abortion beyond the first trimester, contrary to what Aristimuno had claimed.


The discussion on abortion restrictions was particularly heated in the wake of a Supreme Court decision in June 2022 that overturned Roe v. Wade and upheld a Mississippi law restricting abortion after the 15th week of pregnancy. Many Democrats used this as a reason to push for an expansion of the court, pointing to the three conservative appointments made by former President Donald Trump.

This tactic of spreading misinformation about the Democratic position on abortion is a common one among Republican politicians and media figures. It attempts to paint Democrats as extreme and out of touch with the majority of Americans, when in reality, the majority of Democrats do support access to abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

Conway effectively challenged the false narrative being pushed by Aristimuno and highlighted the truth about Democrats’ stance on abortion. It is important to have accurate information and informed discussions about such a sensitive and important topic, rather than resorting to misleading statements and falsehoods. It is also crucial for individuals in positions of influence to call out misinformation and hold those spreading it accountable.

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  • Aristimuno is just another indoctrinated commiecrat. Anyone who’s been properly educated in the rise of communism knows one of their biggest mantras is that if lying is acceptable to push their commie agenda then it’s truth to commies a la Krushchev.

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