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‘Let My People Out’: Black Radio Host Slams Government Covering For Biden’s Cocaine

Radio host and author Charlamagne tha God slammed the inconclusive White House cocaine investigation during Friday’s The Breakfast Club radio show, expressing incredulity at the inconclusive outcome. “Do you mean to tell me that there’s a room in the White House with no video cameras? Ain’t no damn way. Knock it off,” Charlamagne said.

His guest Chico Bean went on to add, “If they letting people get away with cocaine, let my people out of jail.”

The recent scandal serves as yet another reminder of the Biden family’s lack of oversight and moral fiber. Multiple scandals have pockmarked the family’s past, including the “’86 Crack Conviction” and the multi-million dollar scandal involving Hunter Biden, amidst others. However, the recent cocaine scandal has been met, frustratingly, with silence.

“What is up with that? That’s crazy. You know, I mean, people have been arrested in the District of Columbia for cocaine, and they done found it in the White House and they can’t figure out who it is it belonged to. That’s crazy, man,” Guest Bean said.

The lack of evidence or conclusive results has been a source of growing concern.Bean and co-host DJ Envy also theorized that if the cocaine was really left in an area where there are no cameras, it’s because whoever brought the cocaine into the White House knew there would be no surveillance. “That’s somebody that knew that angle,” DJ Envy said.

“Yeah, that’s where they do their cocaine at. That is the spot to do the coke, and somebody forgot and left it, and then they found it, and now they don’t know who it belongs to. That’s crazy,” Bean added.

The fact that the Biden Administration can’t seem to draw any sort of conclusion or name any individual as responsible for the incident, serves as evidence of the lax standards when it comes to criminal behaviour from the Biden family. This isn’t the first time they’ve walked away without harsh repercussions from an incident that would land anyone else behind bars, it’s another example of the criminal behaviour that the American people have had to shoulder in recent years.

On Thursday, the U.S. Secret Service said it has closed the investigation into the small bag of cocaine that was recently discovered in the White House, and that they were unable to find out how cocaine got into the building or who was responsible for it. This comes in stark contrast to the swift and decisive action that the federal government often takes in similar cases involving people with far fewer resources and connections.


The Biden Administration must be held accountable for their failure to identify and pursue the perpetrator of this crime, as well as their general lack of responsibility in the face of ever-mounting criminal allegations surrounding the Biden family.

As Charlamagne tha God said, “Let my people out of jail.” It is only by taking a stand against this injustice that we can stop this pattern of criminal behavior from continuing. Doing anything less allows the Biden Administration and their criminal history to further their unchecked cycle of abuse.

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