Watch Nadler’s Pathetic Attempt To Run Cover For FBI- Big Tech Collusion

House Judiciary Committee member Jerry Nadler’s attempt to run cover for the FBI’s Big Tech collusion was unbearable to watch. The committee was holding the FBI and the Department of Justice accountable for their censorship of Americans but the Ranking Member attempted to downplay the negative effects of this practice.

Nadler falsely claimed that the Republicans’ allegations of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force censoring conservatives were “untrue” and praised the task force for its involvement in silencing certain voices. He claimed it was necessary to “make sure that Russia, China, Iran and other foreign entities cannot again interfere in our election.”

However, Nadler’s criticism of Republicans for believing that the task force’s efforts are attacks on conservative speech were baseless. He attempted to downplay the effect of censorship on American free speech by saying that the Task Force is trying to protect the “American voices” from “Russian troll farms.”

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This is, of course, incredibly disingenuous and Nadler knows it. It is quite clear that the FBI and their Big Tech allies have weaponized American justice and are selectively choosing who they will censure. This is nothing more than a political and ideological crusade on the part of the FBI and the means to an end is the alteration of the dialogue and voices in America.

By trying to cover up the fact that the FBI has become a tool of Big Tech to advance their anti-conservative agenda, Nadler is complicit in the perpetuation of silencing a large part of the American population. Republicans must continue to hold the FBI and Big Tech accountable and continue to fight for the right of free speech. Otherwise, America will continue to be subjected to the whims of those in power.


Let’s get real here— The left wants people to believe that there isn’t bias inside these big tech companies or from within the FBI but we have all seen what’s happened over the last few years. The media has worked hard to label it a conspiracy but every time Congress holds a hearing to investigate the issue we see more and more evidence of deep-seated corruption and biases within our own government.

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  • Jerry “The Dwarf” Nadler is Proof Positive the Democrats have No Redeeming Qualities……..None! I do not know who is Worse Nadler or Schiff but after watching them LIE and DEMAGOGUE during the Two Impeachment Hoaxes of Our President, I believe they should share the same Cell in Prison. Can anyone name ONE democrat that is NOT CORRUPT? America Deserves Better!

  • go-nads-ler is the poster child for what is wrong with our elected officials. He’s a completely worthless political hack and grifter. He brings ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the table.

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