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Megyn Kelly Out For Blood, Drilled The GOP Candidates And We Have The Receipts! Check It Out

The final showdown between the Republican candidates before the Iowa caucus in January is here tonight. Moderator Megyn Kelly came out swinging with her first questions, starting off with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. She pointed out that despite the most money being spent on his campaign and the super PAC supporting him, his poll numbers have been declining.

She followed up by noting the wave of momentum he had coming off his Florida governor election win last fall and posed the question if it was fair to say that voters are saying “not no, but not now?” DeSantis responded, “We have a great idea in America that the voters actually make these decisions, not pundits or pollsters.”

Kelly then directed her fire at former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, pointing out her relationship with big corporations and Larry Fink, BlackRock hedge fund manager. She asked if Haley was “too tight with the banks and the billionaires to win over the GOP’s working-class base, which mostly wants to break the system, not elect someone beholden to it?”

Haley was clear in her response. She said, “We will take support from anybody we can take support from, but I have been a conservative fighter all my life. I don’t ask them what their policies are; they ask me what my policies are.” She noted that had recently been endorsed by conservative group Americans for Prosperity, funded in part by Charles Koch.

Finally, Kelly took on businessman Vivek Ramaswamy for changing his tactic of debate by starting off aggressive in one debate before playing nice in another. She questioned if voters were seeing different sides of Ramaswamy as a chameleon-like politician.

Last night’s debate is an important one, as it’s the last chance for voters to view the Republican candidates’ views and opinions on multiple topics—all before the first votes are cast in the primary.

Megyn Kelly has come to play and the candidates are going to be put to the test with her sharp line of questioning. This is no doubt the fifth Republican primary debate they’ve entered, different only for the fact that Kelly is again at the helm, ready to take no prisoners.

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  • Haley sounds like a Biden “we’ll take support from anyone”. Kelly should be an add for Botox and plastic surgery not a news anchor.

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