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MSM Gloats Following Trump’s Fulton Booking: ‘We Were Waiting For This Day’

The mainstream media has done it again. After years of pushing an anti-Trump agenda and failing to afford him the presumption of innocence, Univision anchor Lindsay Casinelli decided to plug herself into the liberal outrage during the momentous day of the ousted commander-in-chief’s booking at the Fulton County jail, making sure her viewers were aware of her sensationalist, politically-rooted “waiting” for the occasion.

“Waiting for this day,” Casinelli exclaimed after expressing her over-enthusiastic approval for Donald Trump’s booking. She later doubled down on her agenda, touting that she had been “waiting for THIS day,” seemingly unaware or unconcerned that broadcasting such a bias was anything short of illicit.

If there is anything to be said about the mainstream media’s coverage of the US legal system, it is that it is profoundly tainted by overzealousness and cynicism. Not only have they failed to adequately reported on the numerous scandals involving Biden family corruption, the Mount Tavi Philippine wildfires and the unearthed scandal of men playing with Barbie dolls, but now we have a broadcaster overstating the very notion of her joy at a suspect in the US justice system.

And this isn’t to mention the injustice that Donald Trump experienced on the day of his booking. After being fingerprinted and having his mugshot taken, the former president maintained his innocence and remarked on the current state of justice in the United States. “I really believe this is a very sad day for America. This should never happen. If you challenge an election you should be able to challenge an election. I thought the election was a rigged election, a stolen election — and I should have every right to do that.”

He went on to call out “liberal media” and “political corruption at the DOJ”, going on to make the bold statement that “this is one instance, but you have three other instances”. Subsequently, he added that “what they’re doing is election interference” and this has “never been anything like it in our country before.”


What we have here is a textbook example of liberal media bias and a conveniently choreographed political agenda by Univision to downplay the corruption that is becoming increasingly obvious in the Biden administration.

We have the shamelessly biased coverage of the imprisonment of former President Trump that goes fully unchallenged and we have the continuous propagation of Donald Trump’s guilt without any remit. This is a dangerously misinformed agenda, one that dangerously disregards the truth and ultimately serves to undermine the US justice system. The public deserves better.

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  • I am waiting for the MSM and all the Conspirators who helped in any way o stand before the Throne of Grace. If these rabid animals, vultures and demonic parasites dont repent, find Christ as Saviour: I’ll be there watching them bite the eternal big one: Separation of God forever. No Light, no truth and them taking the ride they eagerly paid for to worship the god whom they loved.
    No one should ever want people to go to hell, and I do want them saved, but hey SAY LA VEE if they dont. They got many chances to change but they opted for Satan and boy will they get him

    • Now they are even gong after our first reponders by forcing them to remove the large flags from the back of thier fire trucks. When will these people learn that the tail does NOT wag the dog?

  • Those morons don’t have the mental capacity to see that they are helping Trumps chances of being re-elected. Keep it up!

  • Now that you have opened this door are you ready for the consequences? President Trump is protected by the Presidential Immunity Act and cannot be charged with them since he was President at the time. Now it is time for Trump and team to go after Obama, Bush and Biden on the same charges, they no longer have immunity.

  • I would like to remind the frothing in the mouth democrats that the blade that dropped on Trump is a double edged blade and can drop either way. So I caution them to return to the middle of the road and stop making ruts in our democratic system, it doesn’t work well running off the road all the time.
    I am a middle of the road rider and like a smoother ride.

  • Difficult to comprehend how MSM cannot see the endless destruction being inflicted onto our nation, not only by this adminsistration, but all left leaning mentally defecient individuals who appear to be multiplying as fast as our open door policy is welcoming more of the same. Welcoming criminals, by offering them lifetime support at the expense of Americans is treason.

  • If the MSM were non-biased, middle-of-the road organizations they would be appalled at these charges. The MSM is nothing more than an arm of the communist democrat party which is far-left biased and will go to any extreme to destroy our country and it’s constitution.

  • The more the Left throws s–t on Trump, the more the left is showing their evil ways.
    God bless Trump – through it all, Trump is exposing the rottenness of the Left.

  • Amazing how many stupids in the MSM and the number of ignoramouses that tune in to hear/watch them. Sad reflection on our society as reflecting in the rapid decline of our nation to that of the third world.

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