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Report Reveals China’s Secret ‘Kill Switch’ On US Military Worldwide

American infrastructure supporting U.S. military bases is under serious threat from Chinese attackers. According to The New York Times, citing unspecified military, intelligence and national security officials, malware believed to be related to China has been discovered in the networks of important infrastructure systems globally.

The congressional official referred to the malware as a “ticking time bomb” which Beijing could activate in the event of a conflict with the U.S. or an invasion of Taiwan, disrupting U.S. military operations and potentially crippling its response.

China’s attempts to infect U.S. networks are believed to have gone on for at least a year and the scope of the operation is far greater than experts had initially thought. While initial investigations saw attempts to target military operations, it has since become clear that civilian systems are also threatened, including power grids, water supply and communications systems.

In response, the Biden administration has begun to take action. There have been multiple Situation Room meetings that convened military, intelligence and homeland security officials to discuss the problem and create a plan of action, with U.S. officials having briefed members of Congress and industry leaders.

China however denied the reports. “We have always firmly opposed and cracked down on all forms of cyberattacking in accordance with the law,” said Haoming Ouyang, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington.

This is not the first time China has attempted to infiltrate U.S. systems. The Biden administration has claimed it is “working relentlessly” to defend the United States from any disruptions, however critics remain unconvinced and feel that it is not doing enough. “This raises the question of what, exactly, they are preparing for,” said a senior Biden adviser.

Reports suggest that any disruption to water, power or communication systems could slow down a U.S. military response to a crisis in the Pacific by hours or days, effectively providing China with a huge advantage.

The Biden administration has failed to ensure the U.S. is secure from Chinese aggression, and has been too passive in responding to these serious threats. As a result, China’s “ticking time bomb” of malicious code could wreak havoc in the future, and the world awaits to see how Biden’s administration will respond.

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  • THIS DOESN’T SURPRISE ME!!! Snicky little CCP, worming their way into everything for world domination later on!! Look at all the infrastructure programs they have going in different countries worldwide! Those countries don’t have the capacity to pay them back! So, in return to forgive the debt, they take part of that country to establish a military base and control of that government’s military, etc!

  • with all or most of the circuit boards for just about everything coming from china,you know they have a back door code to deactivate anything they want. planes, subs, missiles, you name iy. maybe even your coffee pot. i have said this for a long time, but nobody seems to understand just how serious this could be. in the event of a nuke war, our stuff would be dead in the water, so to speak. no guidance systems, no power to grids, no food production, nothing. think about this for a minute, what we use today, could be useless tomorrow. scary isn’t it.

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