Spoiled Illegals To Receive Prepaid Card After Throwing Out Free Food

New York City is dealing with an ever-increasing influx of illegal immigrants, and the mayor, Democrat Eric Adams, has rolled out a new plan to handle this issue. Instead of taking steps towards deportation, the city is now providing prepaid debit cards to these immigrants using taxpayer dollars.

Mobility Capital Finance, a company secured a $53 million no-bid contract with New York, will distribute eight preloaded Mastercards at the Roosevelt Hotel, with plans to expand to over one hundred cards next week. This program is aimed at assisting roughly 460 families out of the 64,500 illegal immigrants in New York City.

This move comes after reports that the food provided by DocGo, a company with a $432 million no-bid contract, was being discarded by the recipients. One woman from Venezuela stated that she didn’t like the food because it was cold and the preparation was not to her liking. City Councilwoman Julie Won, who chairs the city’s contract committee, expressed her concerns about the matter, stating that the city was spending a significant amount of money on food, yet they couldn’t track how much of it was being consumed or if it was even edible.

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The Adams administration’s embrace of illegal immigration is putting a strain on the city’s finances, leading to budget cuts. However, instead of addressing this issue, the city is now providing debit cards to these immigrants, further stretching taxpayers’ dollars. It is ironic that these people, who are supposed to be in dire need of assistance, are rejecting the free food provided to them. This behavior raises questions about their true intentions for entering the country.

The people who are staying at the Roosevelt Hotel for free are not truly needy. They are squandering the resources provided to them and committing fraud. They are being picky about the food they receive, claiming that it is too sweet, cold, or unhealthy. This attitude is not that of someone who is grateful for the assistance provided to them. It is clear that these people are not asylum seekers, as true asylum seekers would be grateful for any help they receive and would not be picky about their food.

The Adams administration’s decision to provide prepaid debit cards is just another example of exploiting the generosity of the American people and their tax dollars. By giving them these cards, the city is essentially telling them that if they reject charity, they will still be receiving a more generous form of assistance. This only perpetuates the cycle of dependency and does not solve the issue at hand.

In conclusion, instead of addressing the issue of illegal immigration, New York City is enabling it by providing these individuals with free food and housing, and now, prepaid debit cards. This not only puts a strain on the city’s finances but also sends the wrong message to these individuals. The best course of action would be to enforce immigration laws and not reward those who enter the country illegally.

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  • Don’t be fooled ..why New York is handling free money to illegals is to get them to stay because New York is desperate to replace the millions of people who have moved away from these regressive sh-t holes that obama’s/Biden deep stink government has forced on people

  • Anyone allowing money to be given to these illegal alien criminals (anyone that crosses the border illegally has committed a crime) is a traitor to our country. These people, including the federal administration headed by Biden down to the state level, are committing treason against our country, our Constitution and every American citizen!!

  • If you change one word of my statement I withdraw my commit because you are among the ones I accuse of being traitors!!

  • So NY is wasting $485 million of tax payers dollars on UNGRATEFUL ILLEGALS. If they don’t like the damn food let the ungrateful law breakers starve.

  • How dare the un-American Leftist scum in charge of various areas of our country who give away tax payer money to a bunch of ungrateful criminal invaders!
    Instead, try helping out some of our vets &/or elderly trying to make ends meet on the lousy Social Security payments given to those who have worked 40, even 50 years for this country!
    These bastards keep talking about not having enough money to continue the support of Social Security & Medicare/Medicaid but they never have a problem giving away billions to worthless criminal invaders & to other countries who hate us.
    You all should be not only ashamed but prosecuted!

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