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Tensions Flare as Trans Guest Insists on Non-Binary Pronouns – Host Stands Her Ground!

During a recent episode on Britain’s TalkTV, an activist named Shivani Dave, who identifies as transgender, appeared as a guest to discuss a report on medical and social services for children struggling with their gender identities. However, tensions arose when Dave demanded that the host, Julia Hartley-Brewer, use “they/them” pronouns instead of “she/her.”

Hartley-Brewer immediately stood her ground and refused to use what she called “incorrect grammar.” When Dave argued that being referred to as a plural pronoun was “respectful,” Hartley-Brewer countered by stating that Dave was one person and therefore should not be referred to as a plural. This highlights the ongoing issue of trans activists trying to control the way people think and speak.

The discussion became heated when Hartley-Brewer stated that she does not believe in the concept of transgender children. This is an important point to consider because it shows how the idea of gender dysmorphia has been pushed to the extreme. As Hartley-Brewer said, “No one is born in the wrong body.” This is a fact that has been accepted for much of history, yet now it is being challenged by those who believe that our subjective truths should be prioritized over objective truths.

The incident also shed light on the issue of relativism in Western culture. Relativism is a dangerous belief that denies the existence of absolute truths and instead promotes the idea that everything is subjective. This means that there is no such thing as “truth” anymore, and each individual’s beliefs and opinions are equally valid. This view is detrimental to society as it erodes the foundation of objective truths and allows for the acceptance of harmful ideologies.

Furthermore, the conversation between Dave and Hartley-Brewer demonstrates how the transgender movement is dismissing scientific evidence. The Cass Review, a report commissioned by NHS England to study the effects of medical interventions on transgender children, found little evidence that supports the use of puberty blockers and social transitioning for individuals under 18. However, rather than taking this information into consideration, Dave dismissed it, stating that more research could be beneficial.

This dismissive attitude towards scientific research is troubling and dangerous. It shows that some individuals are so committed to their beliefs that they are willing to ignore facts and evidence that contradict them. This is especially concerning when it comes to the well-being of children, as they are the most vulnerable and susceptible to harmful ideologies.


The confrontation on TalkTV highlights the need to stand up for objective truths and reject the notion of relativism. It is essential to challenge harmful ideologies and not let them dictate our beliefs and behaviors.

As a society, we cannot allow ourselves to be swayed by the demands of a vocal minority and instead focus on promoting the well-being of all individuals, especially children. We must prioritize scientific evidence and objective truths over subjective beliefs and opinions. Only then can we move forward and create a society that is truly inclusive and safe for everyone.

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  • Trying to force the rest of us to be involved with their delusions and mental illness.

    Nope. Not having it.

  • Sometimes it seems that when certain individuals failed the proper use of language, grammar, spelling, etc., their “response” is a temper tantrum – like a little brat – because there is no excuse for their ignorance – they just want attention and get their own way, and of course take absolutely no responsibility. Immaturity is not worth listening to.

  • I’m not the Grammar Gestapo and I’m like George Patton and never trust people that can’t spell a word at lest 2 ways, but I know when there is only one person standing there “They” or “Them” is totally WRONG. ,,,,,Now when it’s a schizo pervert that can’t look down and tell if the mutant is a guy or a girl, then I have no problem calling the deviant nut case “IT”,,,,,,and taking great a big key and locking “it” up in a rubber room away form normal people. – Schizophrenics have no business running around loose.

  • He/she/it should not be given a forum to spout their idiotic nonsense! All this woke crapola is going to be the death of sanity if allowed to continue.

  • GOD does NOT make mistakes but Satan makes you think otherwise!! Nothing but the Blood of Jesus will wash away sin!!

  • I have no problem with transgenders being delusional. What I DO mind is their expectation and insistence that I participate in that delusion.
    If you suffer from a condition which contains the word dysphoria then you are mentally ill.

  • Put that ugly freak in a straight jacket, throw it into a padded cell and toss the key in the nearest river.

  • I myself refuse to regard a singular individual as ‘They’. Well, maybe with the exception of Dolly Parton.

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