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Watch: Biden Is So Proud Of The Damage He’s Done To Americans

President Joe Biden declared in a speech in Chicago, Illinois that there would be no more new coal-fired power plants in the U.S., while praising the merits of green energy. This statement came in spite of an alarming North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) report warning of possible rolling blackouts this summer if temperatures stay hotter than normal.

“You know, it’s already cheaper. Wind and solar are already significantly cheaper than coal and oil. You’re not going to see anybody building a new coal-fired plant in America, not just because I’d like to pass a law to say that. It’s too expensive. It doesn’t work anymore,” Biden proclaimed.

According to U.S. Energy Information Administration data, coal, natural gas and petroleum combined supplied nearly 80 percent of the energy consumed by Americans in 2021, while solar and wind energy combined to source less than 5 percent. Joseph Savage, a top Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) official noted that catastrophe could occur if the Biden administration continues to support green energy, considering currently renewables can not support an entire power grid system.

Biden made a promise to end fossil fuels throughout his campaign in 2019. However, this claim has been met with criticism and doubt. “Working with our global partners, America’s investments in clean energy technology are going to reduce carbon emissions, continue to lower the cost of wind,” he said. But with the government allocating hundreds of billions of dollars towards green energy initiatives and subsidies, one begins to question the economic cost.

In response to Biden’s proclamation, Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, said, “It’s extremely concerning that President Biden is using the platform of the Oval Office to celebrate the eradication of an entire industry in the United States.” The White House failed to comment on the Daily Caller News Foundation’s inquiry.

Additionally, the Biden administration has been found to be quite hypocritical in terms of addressing the needs of American citizens. The NERC report claims that Americans living west of the Mississippi River are “elevated risk” of experiencing blackouts this summer. Biden’s desired transition from fossil fuels will most likely not be feasible in the near future, as it cannot provide the energy demands of the nation.

As Biden continues to push for the eradication of coal-fired power plants, he should focus on initiatives that will sustain energy needs without risking those living without power and guarantee those Americans well-paying jobs.  Going off of coal-fired energy without sufficient renewable energy would be madness…


. The kind of advancements he is attempting are plausible, but first he must firmly address his grid problems before investing in pricey green energy initiatives the nation cannot afford.

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  • Joe biden should hang his head in shame at the damage he is doing to our nation. But he is not cognisant enough to understand the consequences of what he has done. We need to explore and develop alternative energy sources but we can not afford to shut down our primary sources of energy. Wind and solar have their own problems and shortcomings. They can serve as supporting sources but are inadequate as primary source of energy. Biden makes a lot of bad decisions in his pursuit of green energy. And his bad decisions are at our expense.

  • In the mean time, China is taking full advantage of their coal deposits to fuel their industry, to produce cheap goods, to sell to us. Does the brain dead old fart realize that countries like China, India, Turkey etc. are stuck in the same atmosphere as the U.S. Their green house gas emissions contribute to global warming as effectively as ours. How much of China’s air pollution makes it across the Pacific?
    The point is; we could possibly get more bang for our bucks by sharing technology and encouraging other countries to clean up rather than constantly squeezing the American taxpayer with ever stricter emission regulations.

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