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Watch: Carlson And Ramaswamy Reveal BIG Plans For The Government

“Shut It Down”: Vivek Ramaswamy calls for major changes in the federal government and proposes shutting down the Department of Education in a bombshell interview with Tucker Carlson.

Vivek Ramaswamy, former 2024 Republican presidential candidate, spoke to Tucker Carlson about a “mega reorganization” of the federal bureaucracy in an interview released Friday. Ramaswamy discussed how the incoming Trump administration could make systemic changes and eliminate unnecessary federal agencies.

In the interview, Ramaswamy was adamant that many federal agencies should not even exist, and suggested moving the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Agriculture out of Washington, D.C. He also criticized the U.S. Department of Education and proposed shutting it down entirely.

However, Ramaswamy also acknowledged that this “mega reorganization” wouldn’t be easy, and suggested that approximately 75% of federal employees should be fired immediately to prevent the new administration from falling into bureaucratic patterns. He claimed that this would be a one-way ratchet, as it would require Congress to bring back any eliminated agencies in the future.

When asked if he would be involved in this effort, Ramaswamy expressed his interest and stated that he has already been involved in recent months. He also revealed that this issue was a key aspect of his own presidential campaign, and that he believes it to be the most important and personally significant part of his policy platform.

The interview with Ramaswamy offered a unique perspective on the potential for fundamental changes in the federal government under the Trump administration. With his strong stance against unnecessary agencies and his proposed moves to reform and downsize the bureaucracy, Ramaswamy could play a crucial role in reshaping the way the government operates.

As the nation waits for the transfer of power and the new administration’s agenda takes shape, Ramaswamy’s ideas have sparked conversation and debate about what changes are truly necessary in Washington, D.C. and how they can be implemented effectively.


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