Watch: Famous Judge Snaps On Biden For Being A ‘Racist Low-Down DOG!’

Judge Joe Brown, running for the mayor of Memphis, Tennessee, was viciously critical of Joe Biden during a livestream Sunday with Sabby Sabs. “He’s a racist low-down dog, a piece of urban trailer park trash,” Brown commented.

The television judge further described a 1972 speech he attended as an intern outside of the Capitol building in Delaware that included former Alabama governor George Wallace and Mississippi senator James Eastland, men known to be pro-segregation. “I heard that racist dog give one of the worst, most racist speeches I’ve ever heard in my life,” said Brown.

The disdain was palpable when Brown stated “He [Biden] had the nerve to say ‘You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.’ Well I’m black you goddamn bastard so to hell with you!”, condemning what he described as a problematic presidential campaign.

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From there, Brown questioned the legitimacy of the executive office, throwing what he called hypocrisy into the discussion. He accused Biden of dishonesty and said “Hunter Biden’s laptop has some stuff in there that people need to be in jail for.” Continuing his criticism, Brown accused the White House of becoming “the crack house,” claiming “lying hypocrites” had infiltrated the building.

Brown ended his tirade by sarcastically suggesting the Secret Service or janitorial staff may have been responsible for recently discovering cocaine in the White House library. “But then it was in the library which is very very restricted, and then the executive office, we about to get a secret clearance and get up in there,” he concluded.


The tension between Judge Joe Brown and former Vice President Biden is obvious and he made it clear that it won’t be going away anytime soon. As he said, “That racist dog…had the nerve to say ‘You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.’ Well I’m black you goddamn bastard so to hell with you!”

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