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Watch Jim Jordan School Dana Bash On Her Network’s Pro-Violence History

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan bluntly reminded Dana Bash of CNN on Sunday, how the network attempted to downplay the violent riots in 2020 after she asked him to condemn any potential violence triggered by the indictment of former President Trump. On Thursday, Trump was officially indicted with thirty-one counts of violations of the Espionage Act and other charges related to obstruction of justice.

When Bash cited some of the remarks of Republicans condemning the indictment, Jordan responded that violence should not be used to answer this matter. He pointed out that it would have been nice if the Left had confronted the violence during the summer of 2020 with equal determination. He then provided an example when a correspondent of CNN stood in front of a burning building and declared the protest to be ‘mostly peaceful’ while the chyron indicated ‘fiery but mostly peaceful protests’.

Jordan reiterated his stance, saying that fighting violence must be joined by all parties. He chastised the double standard of some members of the Left who did not condemn the 2020 riots nor the violence on January 6th. He explained that rule of law must be upheld and justice should be applied to all without prejudice.

The indictment of Trump sparked a heated discussion even amongst the Republicans. Congressman Andy Biggs suggested they were entering a ‘war phase’ while another colleague of Jordan’s, Congressman Clay Higgins, added to the confusion by sending out a tweet featuring cryptic references to possible ‘war plans’. Kari Lake stated the DOJ would need to target millions of NRA members in order to convict Trump.

It is undeniable that the indictment of Trump marks a turning point in the government and society. In order to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control, Jordan reminded everyone to refrain from violence.


He further urged that both sides condemn violence without bias and to adhere to the law and logic when it comes to justice. He wants people to know it is not acceptable to justify acts of violence claiming they are driven by passion or principles. Rule of law should take precedence in society if justice and equality are what we are all aiming for.

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