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Watch! Maxine Waters Cries Foul Over Public Criticism – But Remember What She Said in 2018?

In a recent revelation that smacks of hypocrisy, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has voiced complaints about being confronted in public over her political positions. This grievance is highly ironic, given her fiery 2018 encouragement for her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public spaces.

Waters, during a rally, famously incited her audience with calls to action: “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” These words not only sowed division but openly supported public harassment based on political affiliation—a stark contrast to the values of tolerance and understanding she purportedly champions.

Fast forward to today, and Waters tells a different story. Recently, she expressed dismay at being approached by individuals who, while not saying anything racist at all, disagreed with her political stances. She framed these encounters as racially charged anyway, insinuating that her critics would hesitate if she were not black. This narrative conveniently overlooks the fact that her critics, as she admitted, did not actually invoke race in their criticism. Instead, they expressed dissatisfaction with her political work—an essential and accepted part of democratic discourse.

Waters’ response to these incidents is a clear exhibition of double standards. While she once endorsed confrontational tactics against political opponents, she now labels similar behavior towards herself as unacceptable and racially motivated, despite the lack of racial content in the actual exchanges.

This hypocrisy is emblematic of a broader issue within the Democratic Party, where race is leveraged as a shield against legitimate criticism. Politicians like Waters, alongside others in “the squad” such as Barbara Lee, frequently inject race into debates where the core issues are political differences. Their readiness to cry racism diverts attention from substantive policy discussions and fosters unnecessary division.

Moreover, their approach starkly contrasts with their previous attitudes towards political dissent. Under Trump’s administration, the same figures endorsed or excused violent rhetoric and physical confrontation against political adversaries. They ignored the inflammatory implications of their statements, focusing instead on vilifying Trump as the sole divisor of the nation.

Remember, these are the same leaders who have turned a blind eye to—or even encouraged—statements about “uprisings” or physical confrontations against political figures, which were rampant during the Trump era. They seem to operate under a guiding principle: outrage and confrontation are justified only when directed at their political adversaries, not at themselves.

This selective outrage has led to an absurd reality where criticism of political figures like Waters is instantly branded as racially motivated, irrespective of the actual content of the critique. Such tactics only serve to deepen societal divides, detracting from the genuine issues of racial injustice that need to be addressed.

Final Thoughts

Maxine Waters’ recent complaints about facing public criticism, when contrasted with her past encouragement of similar tactics against political opponents, reveal a troubling double standard. By labeling non-racial political criticism as racially charged, she not only misleads the public but also undermines the very principles of accountability and free speech that form the bedrock of American democracy.

As citizens and constituents, it’s important to discern the difference between genuine racial injustice and the manipulation of race issues for political shielding. Understanding this distinction will enable more informed, fair, and constructive political discourse, steering clear of baseless accusations that serve only to divide. As we move forward, let us demand consistency and honesty from our leaders, ensuring that the principles of democracy are upheld without the taint of hypocrisy.

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  • Maxine Waters could be purple pokadot for all I care. She is a huge hypocrite with a low IQ who hides behind the Race Card. Yes, she promotes racism. I would love to confront her.

  • As disgusting as this mentally deficient political hack is, she merely a symptom of a far greater problem. The root problem is the voters who keep putting such an incompetent race baiting moron in office .

  • Well, bless her heart. She can dish it out but can’t take it. The fact that she was voted into office shows how dumbed down our country is. Many people vote for whomever they are told to vote for instead of taking time to research the candidates and their agendas and this is what they get…Maxine Watters.

  • Maxine Waters cannot be hounded enough to make UP FOR ALL THAT SHE DID TO Trump. Just remember back when she was telling everybody to harass Trump’s staff in restaurants, gas Stations and restaurants. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, she is howling racism, even though she admitted that no racist remarks were used. And the kiss her as* commentator was not helping. She was egging Waters on with her lies. The interviewer needs to be fired.

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