Watch: This Is What It Looks Like When IDF Released Dogs Into Hamas-Style Tunnels

A video of a dog used by the Israeli Defense Force to detect terrorists in tunnels is going viral, reminding the world that many Muslims consider dogs “impure.” The footage captures the dog wearing a military harness and a camera as it navigates through a tunnel. The camera is mounted on the dog’s harness, providing a unique “dog’s eye” perspective of its work inside the tunnel.

In the final few seconds of the 23-second clip, the dog confronts someone in the tunnel and takes them down in a simulated combat situation. This footage by the IDF hints towards their intent to use trained dogs to clear out Hamas terror tunnels in Gaza.

The use of dogs is a significant challenge to the terrorist organizations like Hama and ISIS, as dogs are highly regarded as “impure” creatures by Muslim clerics. According to Islamic teachings, dogs are considered unclean and should not be kept by devout Muslims unless for specific purposes such as hunting or guarding property. The Hadith, a collection of sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, describes dogs as “essentially naajis” or impure, and their saliva as “extremely naajis.” This belief is further reinforced in a Hadith that states, “If a dog licks the vessel of any one of you, let him throw away whatever was in it and wash it seven times.” As a result, many Muslims have a deep-rooted aversion towards dogs.

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However, this belief is not reflected in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. In fact, the Quran features a story about a loyal dog belonging to good believers, contradicting the notion that dogs are inherently impure. The story of The Companions of the Cave in the Quran mentions that these believers had their dog with them, and Allah praises them as being “good believers” and “guided by Allah.” This raises the question of whether dogs are truly considered impure in Quranic teachings or if this belief is based on cultural and traditional beliefs.

The issue of dogs is not limited to just the Muslim world but has also become a concern in Western countries. In Australia, there have been debates about the use of drug and bomb-sniffing dogs in airports and ports, considering the Islamic belief that if a dog licks someone, their prayer will not be answered unless they follow a rigorous purification ritual. This raises concerns about possible discrimination and inconvenience for Muslim travelers who may come into contact with dogs during their travels.

Moreover, the belief that dogs are impure also extends to the fear of black dogs being associated with evil djinns, shapeshifting creatures in Islamic mythology. This fear has led some Muslims to not keep any animals with an all-black coat, fearing it may be a djinn in disguise. These cultural beliefs and fear of dogs have also infiltrated into extremist groups, such as Hamas and ISIS, who have used dogs in their terror activities.

In the case of Hamas, the use of attack dogs by the IDF to root out terrorists in tunnels is a significant blow to their belief that dogs are impure. These terrorists hide behind their religion to carry out heinous acts of violence and genocide, but their fear and superstitions towards dogs only serve to expose their flawed and twisted ideologies. Furthermore, the network of tunnels that Hamas has built only reinforces their perverse values, as it serves as a breeding ground for violence and terror.


The use of dogs by the IDF to detect and take down terrorists in tunnels not only showcases their expertise and training capabilities but also highlights the fallacies and contradictions within extremist groups. The IDF’s actions are a clear message to these terrorists that their beliefs and practices will not be tolerated, and dogs will continue to play a crucial role in dismantling their nefarious activities. In the ongoing fight against terrorism, the use of dogs may just prove to be a vital tool in ensuring the safety and security of innocent civilians.

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