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Biden’s Latest Fall Sent Cracks Through The Left: Calls For DNC To Do Something Now: ‘This Isn’t Fair!’

I thin it’s finally starting to get to liberal voters—Biden is not up to the task. The reality is, he never was but hey, at least they’re starting to catch on. Too bad it took Biden’s latest public fall to get them talking.

“The Democrats should commit to an open primary and debate process,” declared Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter. “This isn’t fair to anyone.”

Prominent YouTuber Kyle Kulinski shared this sentiment, saying, “Very cool that the media acts like this dude is inevitable and barely covers his primary opponents.”

Investigative journalist Jordan Chariton added, “The GOP campaign ads are going to be brutal and effective. There’s still time for more progressives to jump into the race against Biden or run as an independent.”

When Joe Biden fell during an Air Force Academy graduation ceremony on Thursday, it renewed calls for the Democratic presidential primary to be a contested process. According to a recent CNN poll, Biden was being challenged by environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and author Marianne Williamson.

Cenk Uygur mocked attempts by liberals to downplay Biden’s fall, tweeting, “MSNBC reporting this as a big win for Joe Biden.”

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) recently modified the 2024 presidential primary schedule, but has no plans to host debates between Biden and his opponents. This led to Uygur saying, “The DNC should take a step back and commit to a fair and competitive primary process.”

I think we all know why the DNC doesn’t plan on allowing Joe to debate anyone. Think of it this way, the DNC managed to get Biden into office while he ran for president from his basement. They blamed the pandemic but what’s their excuse now? Didn’t Biden just recently declare the pandemic officially over?

I’m just saying that the DNC pulled this crap off the first time, but even liberal voters are sick of it this go around. This means, they will have no choice but to allow Biden to debate or face mutiny.

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  • I’m Biden are you my husband are you my wife and who’s Kamala? Please tell me, am I the president? but, but, but 80,000,000 + Americans voted for these frauds. Election time is around the corner, it’s time to head down and hide in the basement for 2024!

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