An Oklahoma parent took action last week and filed a lawsuit against their daughter’s school district alleging that their failure to enforce the state law, which requires students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender at birth, led to her 15-year-old daughter being ‘severely beaten’ by a trans classmate back in October.”
Gooden described the incident in the court filing, saying that her daughter – identified as “E.G.” – was “attacked and severely beaten” in the girls’ restroom at Edmond Memorial High School by an assailant who has been assigned male at birth. The suit then goes on to note that the attack occurred despite an Oklahoma law that had been signed in May of 2022.
“To be fair,” said Gooden, “it’s not entirely clear whether the school was intentionally ignoring the law. A spokesperson for the school stated that at the time of enrollment the attacker’s parents failed to provide the proper birth certificate. That being said, my daughter and I dispute this statement, claiming that she informed the school’s assistant principal about the student’s gender identity prior to the beating.”
“This whole situation is completely out of hand,” Gooden claimed. “The state law was created for a completely reasonable reason, allowing trans-identifying students to use a single-occupancy restroom or changing room if they felt uncomfortable using the proper one. But, as we have already seen in way too many cases all over the country, that’s just not enough for trans activists who appear to be attempting to use this issue as a means of political and social reconstruction.”
Gooden went on to point out that the attacker is no longer enrolled at Edmond, but that’s not good enough for her. “A civil lawsuit is a good start,” she explained, “but why hasn’t law enforcement brought any charges against the attacker? My daughter was reportedly left with physical injuries, physical and mental pain and suffering, and severe emotional distress. At the age of 17, people can be charged as adults when they commit a violent crime. Additionally, the parents of the attacker should be held accountable too. They were obviously trying to keep his actual gender from the school – leaving the female students exposed to a situation that ended in such a violent and distressing outcome.”
Oklahoma school accused of violating law after teen girl 'severely beaten' by trans student in bathroom
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 2, 2023
“How many more of these incidents need to occur before this problem is taken seriously?” she asked. “And has anyone looked into the background of this student to determine if there were other factors at play? Was the student on any prescription drugs? Had they been diagnosed with any other mental illnesses aside from gender dysphoria? Did they have a history of violence or any issues at other schools before enrolling at Edmond? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then the transfer should never have been allowed, or, at the very least, the parents of the other students should have been made aware – putting extra monitors in place to help ensure their safety.”
Again: Someone needs to assist the Mentally Ill Emotionally Deprived Bully and liar home.
Then the Mother needs to sue the school, the kid, the kids parents, the city the state and the Department Of Education for this assault that cold have resulted in oermanete injuries not self inflicted like the bullies.
Are we not all sick of the Kinsey Report that was debunked because he used criminals, sexual perverts, Pdophiles for his reacher calling it Social Study.
He believed that parents should take the lead in providing their young with information about sex. Furthermore, he insisted that sex education should go beyond biology and seek to instill in children healthy attitudes about sex. People at “0” report exclusively heterosexual / opposite sex behavior or attraction. Those at “6” report exclusively homosexual / same-sex behavior or attraction. Ratings 1–5 are for those who report varying levels of attraction or sexual activity with either sex.
SOUND FAMILIAR? IN OTHER WORDS YOU ARE A COMBO according to the puke but Chromosomes in your DNA Identify you and what God made you identifies your sex male or female your gender male female and your sexual persuasion is in your spiritual alignment, with you understand what and who you are or you want the lust in your heart and eyes to drive your sexual appetite
Shut down school OK
The mentally ill kid should have never been admitted to the school until he produced a valid birth certificate.